Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

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Great Patch Giants
There is 4 updates in the list and not one will Update, assuming it has something to do with the new patch. Going by the recent comments, it seems Giants is making the game worse for some players. Hopefully they are taking customer satisfaction on board and will rectify the issues.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
devMarcel5  [developer] 28 Jan @ 10:25am 
Hi, what issue are you experiencing? If you'd explain the issue i'm sure it can be resolved.
my game keep crashing when it hits 100% .... One time i could join, walked 2 meters crash... WITHOUT a crash report.. great ptach 10/10 would download your patches again.....
devMarcel5  [developer] 28 Jan @ 10:33am 
Originally posted by FiRb IzZ BacK:
my game keep crashing when it hits 100% .... One time i could join, walked 2 meters crash... WITHOUT a crash report.. great ptach 10/10 would download your patches again.....
if your game crashes at the shader compilation (100%): that issue occurs if your ingame rendering resolution exceeds 4k.
Running at or below 4k will work as a workaround.
We're already working on the fix for that.

"But i am not running at 4k"
Then you likely are utilizing resolution scaling above 100%

"I don't want to lower my resolution, i like my 5120x1440 ultrawide"
Absolutely understandable, you could utilize DLSS or XeSS set to Quality, as that would bring your width below the 4k one without harming your quality too much.
Big T Bear 28 Jan @ 10:37am 
Originally posted by devMarcel5:
Hi, what issue are you experiencing? If you'd explain the issue i'm sure it can be resolved.
I am trying to update the mods in my update list, but the update seems to stall and stop updating.
devMarcel5  [developer] 28 Jan @ 10:48am 
which ones for example? maybe i can reproduce this and get that fixed
Why TF is the game so freaking Dark now? Stop messing with our setting ffs
devMarcel5  [developer] 28 Jan @ 10:52am 
Originally posted by joridiculous:
Why TF is the game so freaking Dark now? Stop messing with our setting ffs
HDR was misconfigured and colors were off, this got fixed now.
Originally posted by devMarcel5:
Originally posted by joridiculous:
Why TF is the game so freaking Dark now? Stop messing with our setting ffs
HDR was misconfigured and colors were off, this got fixed now.
what do you mean fixed now? patch 15.0 part 2?
Big T Bear 28 Jan @ 10:56am 
Originally posted by devMarcel5:
which ones for example? maybe i can reproduce this and get that fixed
Info Display Extension, Additional Field Info, Forestry Helper and Extended Leasing are the 4 in my update list. I have clicked on the Downloads that appears after clicking on Update and have a very long list of Downloads in the Queue. It will download a couple and just stop.
Big T Bear 28 Jan @ 11:12am 
Never mind, the Update is working, but ever so slowly.
devMarcel5  [developer] 28 Jan @ 11:14am 
thanks for the update in this regard.
Yea it's about prime time with player counts and most are probably downloading all the new mods.
illgib 28 Jan @ 11:16am 
Originally posted by devMarcel5:
Originally posted by FiRb IzZ BacK:
my game keep crashing when it hits 100% .... One time i could join, walked 2 meters crash... WITHOUT a crash report.. great ptach 10/10 would download your patches again.....
if your game crashes at the shader compilation (100%): that issue occurs if your ingame rendering resolution exceeds 4k.
Running at or below 4k will work as a workaround.
We're already working on the fix for that.

"But i am not running at 4k"
Then you likely are utilizing resolution scaling above 100%

"I don't want to lower my resolution, i like my 5120x1440 ultrawide"
Absolutely understandable, you could utilize DLSS or XeSS set to Quality, as that would bring your width below the 4k one without harming your quality too much.
Real question is:
How did you managed to brake something that never had problems before?
Wasn't better to branch two patches? One for pc and one specifically for consoles since the majority of the "fix" are about ps5 issues?
KountryBoi 28 Jan @ 11:20am 
Do you have an very high resolution or the resolution scaling / 3d resolution scaling settings cranked up?
If the actual render resolution is larger than 4096, the game on Windows currently crashes at around 100% loading. We have a hotfix coming up to fix this." - Stegei / GIANTS CTO
Can't buy shop items since the update
devMarcel5  [developer] 28 Jan @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by illgib:
Originally posted by devMarcel5:
if your game crashes at the shader compilation (100%): that issue occurs if your ingame rendering resolution exceeds 4k.
Running at or below 4k will work as a workaround.
We're already working on the fix for that.

"But i am not running at 4k"
Then you likely are utilizing resolution scaling above 100%

"I don't want to lower my resolution, i like my 5120x1440 ultrawide"
Absolutely understandable, you could utilize DLSS or XeSS set to Quality, as that would bring your width below the 4k one without harming your quality too much.
Real question is:
How did you managed to brake something that never had problems before?
Wasn't better to branch two patches? One for pc and one specifically for consoles since the majority of the "fix" are about ps5 issues?
Most of the PS5 fixes / optimizations are also benefitting the PC players.
The issue with the resolution will be fixed and is not expected behavior.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
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Date Posted: 28 Jan @ 10:18am
Posts: 23