Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

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The 1.5 patch broke the game
The 1.5 patch seems to have broken the game in more ways than one. For some it has made profiles unreadable that worked before. And for me has been that after buying 4-5 items from the shop and then anything else after that can not be bought and the game still works fine. All profiles load ok but once in the map is loaded the buying issue happens on all maps unless they have been updated by the mod author. Even the maps that are stock have this issue. Have tested this on all stock maps and on modded maps. Stevie updated his map right after 1.5 was released and that map works fine. My question is why with EVERY update something breaks. If you have a testing crew and these issues keep coming up and other issues pop up with each update then you need to rework your update staff and make the release of updates much more precise and quality testing needs to step up and identify these problems before the release.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Nasder 30 Jan @ 8:51am 
Sounds like a mod issue.

Start a new map without any mods and see if the problem still exist. I have no issues with the store on my current savefile, this is with some mods.
lwquade 30 Jan @ 9:39am 
I have tried 0 mods and have the same issue. Thew only map that works is Stevies map 1.05 ed. It seems to work fine. I still do not understand why each patch/hotfix has to break the game. Each patch/hotfix causes some issue or another with mods, maps and the basic game. Why don't the test these before they roll them out. They roll out a patch that breaks something and then issue a hotfix that breaks something else but fixes one issue but breaks several others?
snake_5 30 Jan @ 9:57am 
It's not possible for the team to test for every possible different system on the planet. As well as ensuring that player creator mods aren't effected.

Even though they allow mods in game and even encourage it, it's still not supported when it comes to game content and patches.

If you don't understand game coding and development than you won't ever understand why mods or player made stuff for the game may not working correctly until that player/creator updates it.

You even pointed out that Stevie updated his map and that one works compared to the others. So it is a mod issue. Just a matter of which one and if/when it will be updated.

If you have eliminated all mods and only used base game content and still have a issue then you should probably send a support ticket to have the team look into your specific issue that others may or may not have.
lwquade 30 Jan @ 11:26am 
To be clear the installation of Stevies map was the ONLY mod installed and no others were installed. I deleted the entire mod folder and restarted the game and met the same error. Then I installed Stevies map and that map alone worked none of the others did. Still had the same store problem but not on Stevies map. So I did a complete uninstall ran cleanup program to remove all registry items and folders. Then reinstalled the game and only started the riverbend springs map and all is now good. From what I know about PCs it seems to have been a registry item that was causing some sort of conflict. My original poit however is that patches are pushed out alot of times without playtesting the patch with even basic items in game. It is assumed that it will work without conflicts. Then the fact that in every game from 13 to 25 the updates and patches always break mods and make modders update their mods then if the patch gets a hotfix then it again breaks mods. Now if you noticed that if you remove a mod that could be a tractor or trailer that breaks your save and corrupts it. a few more days of testing and using code that won't change the basics of the game could eliviate the problem. enuf said.
works fine for me with a lot mods
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 8:47am
Posts: 5