Backpack Battles

Backpack Battles

Question about 'Amulet of the Wild'
Based on my understanding using wiki, this item will make player's spikes return damage limit against melee and ranged +50%.
Does this mean that if opponent has Amulet of the Wild, and you attacks with ranged attribute, you will receive spike damage?
Does it apply to your pets with ranged attribute as well?
Last edited by Tristin; 30 Jan @ 7:34pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Furio 30 Jan @ 11:25pm 
The way I understand it is that a weapon can't cause more spike damage than its own damage. Amulet of the wild will increase this by 50%. So if you do 10 damage and opponent has 20 spikes you will receive 15 spike damage.

Normally ranged attacks are not affected by spikes, but with amulet of the wild it will still return 50% of the damage.

If you run a heavy spike build you should try to get at least one of them.
Falx 6 Feb @ 7:48am 
Important to note it has to have a pet on it's star, or you'll only get the extra spikes, not the extra damage buff.
Furio 6 Feb @ 8:54am 
Originally posted by Falx:
Important to note it has to have a pet on it's star, or you'll only get the extra spikes, not the extra damage buff.

Is that something you know from empirical evidence? Because the item does not mention that at all.
Falx 10 Feb @ 6:32am 
Originally posted by Furio:
Originally posted by Falx:
Important to note it has to have a pet on it's star, or you'll only get the extra spikes, not the extra damage buff.

Is that something you know from empirical evidence? Because the item does not mention that at all.

Yes, I noticed my thorns were not getting bonus damage without doing it. You can observe it with ranged attacks which don't normally trigger thorns unless the amulet is working.
See my screenshot here:
Notice how I do exactly 12 damage with the amulet active? It should be doing what, 18 damage? or at least 12 then 6, but because the amulet is not paired with a pet it does only base damage.
Last edited by Falx; 10 Feb @ 6:35am
Furio 10 Feb @ 11:17am 
That's weird. I did some testing with it as well and I noticed that it didn't matter whether it had a pet or not.

Here I have a pet. The amulet has activated. I have 17 spikes and they deal 17 damage.

Here my opponent has an amulet pointed at no pets. They have 40 spikes and I do 43 damage. They return 50 damage. If the amulet gave 50% extra I think it would give 60.
Bumc 10 Feb @ 11:30am 
You probably actually dealt 50, but 7 of it was blocked.

You cannot return on spikes more than enemy dealt and this restriction overrides the 40*1.5 limit from spikes modified by wild amulet.

Edit: he also has poison ivy which modifies all damage on you, parsing these kind of logs is a headache.
Last edited by Bumc; 10 Feb @ 11:33am
Furio 10 Feb @ 12:05pm 
Originally posted by Bumc:
Edit: he also has poison ivy which modifies all damage on you, parsing these kind of logs is a headache.

Right. So that's +25% damage. So that fits the 40->50 damage.

I think the conclusion is that it doesn't increase spike damage for melee. Whether it's a bug or just a poorly worded item I can't really say.
Tristin 13 Feb @ 5:09am 
Just had a run where I managed to get Amulet of the Wild in round 4.
So viewing with fewer complexities, I can say that it is working as intended.

I also agree that it is poorly worded.

New 'Bugs & Issues' thread for this has been created:

I know Bumc don't like guides, but some of the items are just confusing, or not completely clear how it works. I have clarified it in my guide, updated to current understanding. Even the experienced players are confused or not sure of themselves. Its because those are things you wouldn't know unless you watch with eagle-eye and analyze it.
My apologies if constant mention of my guide is perhaps an annoyance.
Last edited by Tristin; 13 Feb @ 6:30am
Bumc 13 Feb @ 8:09am 
T'is fine, its a small game and if you don't constantly mention it your guide will fall into obscurity.

Still would not recommend reading a guide before playing the game, at least until the point where you feel you're stuck and cannot gain ranks anymore.
LiZi 18 Feb @ 1:39pm 
Originally posted by Falx:
Yes, I noticed my thorns were not getting bonus damage without doing it. You can observe it with ranged attacks which don't normally trigger thorns unless the amulet is working.
See my screenshot here:
Notice how I do exactly 12 damage with the amulet active? It should be doing what, 18 damage? or at least 12 then 6, but because the amulet is not paired with a pet it does only base damage.
No, I don't think so. imho you can't do more damage then you have thorns.
They attack with 33 melee
If you would have 100 thorns, you would do 100%(33)+50%(16) = 49 damage.
But you only have 12 thorns, so it's capped at 12 damage.
If this would've been a ranged attack, and you had 100 thorns, you would've done 0%+50% = 16 damage.

Originally posted by Furio:
Here my opponent has an amulet pointed at no pets. They have 40 spikes and I do 43 damage. They return 50 damage. If the amulet gave 50% extra I think it would give 60.
I'm really confused why it did 50 damage and not 40. Per the description each thorn does 1 damage
Furio 18 Feb @ 10:33pm 
Originally posted by LiZi:
I'm really confused why it did 50 damage and not 40. Per the description each thorn does 1 damage

That is because of Poison Ivy which causes opponent to take 25% extra damage.
LiZi 19 Feb @ 7:35am 
Originally posted by Furio:
Originally posted by LiZi:
I'm really confused why it did 50 damage and not 40. Per the description each thorn does 1 damage

That is because of Poison Ivy which causes opponent to take 25% extra damage.
ah, yes, ofcourse, didn't notice the poison amount
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