Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

This gameplay is just meh.
I feel like if this were a full-on action game like Actraiser, it would be sick. It feels very Orcs must die like. I've only done the first Village that you start out in and was not impressed by all the monotonous micro-managing. I also don't feel anything is particularly special about the Main Character. I just can't see this as a Day 1 for me.
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Let me see, you did one stage of the demo. Not even completed, and thought the game was bad. I see.
P.C eredeti hozzászólása:
Let me see, you did one stage of the demo. Not even completed, and thought the game was bad. I see.
How long should I play the game to know if I like it or not?
BoolXorElse eredeti hozzászólása:
P.C eredeti hozzászólása:
Let me see, you did one stage of the demo. Not even completed, and thought the game was bad. I see.
How long should I play the game to know if I like it or not?
At least play the four stages of the demo man. First stage is really easy and simple. As i'm a completionist I did all challenges too, trying to figure a strategy for killing the boss under 1 minute was fun. Tho the game can be a little on the easy side. But I saw some previews saying there are stages where you can't use Soh, and that others are all dark (I don't know what is the impact on the game) Still, I hope it has a Hard mode, like Shinsekai (a game from the same director) that has a mode where you have to finish under 1 hour without saves. Anyway, by the end of the fourth stage you'll probably be like "ok, interesting" but I myself am still curious about the end product
imo the first real stage is the bonus stage, the others are just tutorials.
P.C eredeti hozzászólása:
Let me see, you did one stage of the demo. Not even completed, and thought the game was bad. I see.

You know majority of people aren't gunna care to play past a stage if their first impressions weren't good right?? Most people don't have the mentality of "okay that was ass but maybe it will get good later."
I did everything in the demo and it was enough to convince me to cancel my preorder.
I loved it,in the bonus stage I put myself in a dangerous situation where as my maiden was almost dead. The boss that makes his suicide attack against her is very dangerous plus the number of waves.

Felt very good when I beat that stage even at those odds. I do wonder if the villagers in the base/camp will have some interaction in full version? Because they are all named in the camp but one cannot really talk to them right now.
ganon63 eredeti hozzászólása:
I loved it,in the bonus stage I put myself in a dangerous situation where as my maiden was almost dead. The boss that makes his suicide attack against her is very dangerous plus the number of waves.

Felt very good when I beat that stage even at those odds. I do wonder if the villagers in the base/camp will have some interaction in full version? Because they are all named in the camp but one cannot really talk to them right now.
You can read their backstory in the select button menu. What they do in the village is related to that.
Where'sMySupersuit!! eredeti hozzászólása:
P.C eredeti hozzászólása:
Let me see, you did one stage of the demo. Not even completed, and thought the game was bad. I see.

You know majority of people aren't gunna care to play past a stage if their first impressions weren't good right?? Most people don't have the mentality of "okay that was ass but maybe it will get good later."
I don't know man. I don't get this new generation of players. There's people saying that rdr2 intro is to slow and they got bored of the game because of that. I mean, I don't care about rockstar games but even I wouldn't do that. If you're willing to give it a shot at least finish the demo or don't even bother. Guess people attention spam got destroyed.
P.C eredeti hozzászólása:
I don't know man. I don't get this new generation of players. There's people saying that rdr2 intro is to slow and they got bored of the game because of that. I mean, I don't care about rockstar games but even I wouldn't do that. If you're willing to give it a shot at least finish the demo or don't even bother. Guess people attention spam got destroyed.

Could be a gen thing but who knows without the data, I'm also part of gen z and imo RDR2 is one of the best games ive ever played right next to the first game.

All in all tho RDR2 in general is really slow but yes the into is just intrinsically slower then the rest of the game. As well the intro is pretty long, I love it but I see why people don't, its pretty much a short film at the start of the game.
Where'sMySupersuit!! eredeti hozzászólása:
P.C eredeti hozzászólása:
I don't know man. I don't get this new generation of players. There's people saying that rdr2 intro is to slow and they got bored of the game because of that. I mean, I don't care about rockstar games but even I wouldn't do that. If you're willing to give it a shot at least finish the demo or don't even bother. Guess people attention spam got destroyed.

Could be a gen thing but who knows without the data, I'm also part of gen z and imo RDR2 is one of the best games ive ever played right next to the first game.

All in all tho RDR2 in general is really slow but yes the into is just intrinsically slower then the rest of the game. As well the intro is pretty long, I love it but I see why people don't, its pretty much a short film at the start of the game.

I've been playing games since the Early 90s when I was 4 and most games had no tutorials or exposition like is in the current era. I prefer to jump right into the meat of the action, hate tutorials and mostly look for the gameplay to grab me before the story.

Red Dead Redemption 1 and Red Dead Revolver are much better games than Red Dead Redemption 2 because they start out immediately with the gameplay focused first. I played to the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 but you have to dedicate a lot before you can start having fun in it. Most of the game plays out like a Movie and I really couldn't be bothered to play it a second time. It was a nice story but I wanted something more like the first Red Dead Redemption game.

If we could go back to a time where games had a manual with all the exposition and controls instead of lumbering through a tutorial sequence, I'm for that.

I did go back and finish this Demo because I guess I didn't play it enough. Its a serviceable game but it really doesn't do anything more special than the general Tower Defense game. I still don't like the gameplay loop of Searching for resources (Villagers, Red Orbs and secrets), Setting up for an attack, then you fight a horde of enemies.

My initial impression is still the same. The boss fight was just mashing it to death, where your tactics don't matter that much. I can't imagine how they will vary the layouts or use of strategy in the full game but this is the impression I get from the Demo.

Unless I'm playing an RPG, I'm not looking for a game to blast me with exposition and I generally hate forced tutorial segments. If this Demo were just 1 or 2 battles that I could fail at and retry till I got more, I probably would have had a better impression of the game.
I would give this game a longer evaluation before jumping to that comment as well. It looks promising and unique as it's RTS also action based. I am looking forward to play this.
BoolXorElse eredeti hozzászólása:

I think the only times I find tutorials to be terrible is if they over explain and don't let you play. Also any mutiplayer game that forces a tutorial before you can play the billionth generic mp game.

Yeah idk like I said it make sense to not like RDR2 if slow isn't your thing. Same thing I was thinking when I was watching a show like Andor, drastically slower than other Star Wars shows but not really slow in its own right tbh.
BoolXorElse eredeti hozzászólása:
Where'sMySupersuit!! eredeti hozzászólása:

Could be a gen thing but who knows without the data, I'm also part of gen z and imo RDR2 is one of the best games ive ever played right next to the first game.

All in all tho RDR2 in general is really slow but yes the into is just intrinsically slower then the rest of the game. As well the intro is pretty long, I love it but I see why people don't, its pretty much a short film at the start of the game.

I've been playing games since the Early 90s when I was 4 and most games had no tutorials or exposition like is in the current era. I prefer to jump right into the meat of the action, hate tutorials and mostly look for the gameplay to grab me before the story.

Red Dead Redemption 1 and Red Dead Revolver are much better games than Red Dead Redemption 2 because they start out immediately with the gameplay focused first. I played to the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 but you have to dedicate a lot before you can start having fun in it. Most of the game plays out like a Movie and I really couldn't be bothered to play it a second time. It was a nice story but I wanted something more like the first Red Dead Redemption game.

If we could go back to a time where games had a manual with all the exposition and controls instead of lumbering through a tutorial sequence, I'm for that.

I did go back and finish this Demo because I guess I didn't play it enough. Its a serviceable game but it really doesn't do anything more special than the general Tower Defense game. I still don't like the gameplay loop of Searching for resources (Villagers, Red Orbs and secrets), Setting up for an attack, then you fight a horde of enemies.

My initial impression is still the same. The boss fight was just mashing it to death, where your tactics don't matter that much. I can't imagine how they will vary the layouts or use of strategy in the full game but this is the impression I get from the Demo.

Unless I'm playing an RPG, I'm not looking for a game to blast me with exposition and I generally hate forced tutorial segments. If this Demo were just 1 or 2 battles that I could fail at and retry till I got more, I probably would have had a better impression of the game.
I don't like long tutorials especially when they go for cinematic with forced walking. I miss when games were either gameplay or cutscenes. I prefer to watch a 40 minute Cutscene like in mgs4 than 10 minutes of slow walking with forced camera angles. With that said, I only mentioned rd2r because it wouldn't be fair to judge it completely or saying the game was bad because of the slow intro. Just like it isn't fair to judge this based on the first level of a 4 level demo who barely takes 2 hours to beat.
BoolXorElse eredeti hozzászólása:
Where'sMySupersuit!! eredeti hozzászólása:

Could be a gen thing but who knows without the data, I'm also part of gen z and imo RDR2 is one of the best games ive ever played right next to the first game.

All in all tho RDR2 in general is really slow but yes the into is just intrinsically slower then the rest of the game. As well the intro is pretty long, I love it but I see why people don't, its pretty much a short film at the start of the game.

I've been playing games since the Early 90s when I was 4 and most games had no tutorials or exposition like is in the current era. I prefer to jump right into the meat of the action, hate tutorials and mostly look for the gameplay to grab me before the story.

Red Dead Redemption 1 and Red Dead Revolver are much better games than Red Dead Redemption 2 because they start out immediately with the gameplay focused first. I played to the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 but you have to dedicate a lot before you can start having fun in it. Most of the game plays out like a Movie and I really couldn't be bothered to play it a second time. It was a nice story but I wanted something more like the first Red Dead Redemption game.

If we could go back to a time where games had a manual with all the exposition and controls instead of lumbering through a tutorial sequence, I'm for that.

I did go back and finish this Demo because I guess I didn't play it enough. Its a serviceable game but it really doesn't do anything more special than the general Tower Defense game. I still don't like the gameplay loop of Searching for resources (Villagers, Red Orbs and secrets), Setting up for an attack, then you fight a horde of enemies.

My initial impression is still the same. The boss fight was just mashing it to death, where your tactics don't matter that much. I can't imagine how they will vary the layouts or use of strategy in the full game but this is the impression I get from the Demo.

Unless I'm playing an RPG, I'm not looking for a game to blast me with exposition and I generally hate forced tutorial segments. If this Demo were just 1 or 2 battles that I could fail at and retry till I got more, I probably would have had a better impression of the game.
That's a fair take. But I think most people are missing the point here. You can deslike the concept but to say it's shallow compared to a full tower defence game is like saying dark souls or any action rpg is shallow compared to a full rpg. Look, dark souls don't even have a morality system, a pacifist way to do things, no dialogue tree, the attributes are just for combat. Lol, such a shallow rpg. Or saying kingdom hearts has shallow actions mechanics. You just mash square and use some magic LOL were are the hardcore combos and jump canceling like DMC. Thing is when you combine too genres you are rarely appealing to the hardcore players of either genre. The same way jrpg fans want their game turn based and character action game fans don't want rpg mechanics. Because they want a rpg and a action game. Not an action rpg. So saying this game is bad because combat and tower defence are simple is missing the point. But again, you do have the right to just deslike it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: P.C; júl. 8., 13:46
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