The Settlers: New Allies

The Settlers: New Allies

Spicy Grasshopper 25 Mar @ 11:48am
Why is it so diverse...
And not in a good way.
I quite like diversity in games when its done correctly.

What I see here is more racially diverse bollocks instead of adding perhaps new unique factions with particular racial and regional aesthetics.

Having a white medieval European faction is fine.
As would having a black African inspired faction (i.e. maybe aesthetically based on the historical western African empires).
Why did you take the lazy (And frankly offensive) path.

Bit suspicious that this DEI shenanigans is being used to cover up a bad game tbh, because that seems to be the trend at the moment. Make bad game? Hide it with black female wheel chair people.
Last edited by Spicy Grasshopper; 25 Mar @ 11:50am
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Titus 25 Mar @ 12:10pm 
What on earth are you waffling on about.
Originally posted by Titus:
What on earth are you waffling on about.
You didnt see all the black people within the clearly european aesthetics...
I dont remember that being a thing in any other settlers game.

It seems like another modernism.
Instead of making multiple factions to show off specific regions and cultures, lets mash all the colours into the europeans like its the modern west.
Its unnecessary and frankly racist.
Hans CakeStealer 25 Mar @ 12:56pm 
I suppose if I was a lunatic this would concern me too.
Titus 25 Mar @ 1:01pm 
You do realise the factions in this game are fictional right? The only one that's based on anything remotely real are the Jorn (Vikings basically).
Dudepool 25 Mar @ 3:21pm 
Don't believe everything you think man. It's okay if not every game meets any given person's biases.
Originally posted by Spice Merchant:
And not in a good way.
I quite like diversity in games when its done correctly.

What I see here is more racially diverse bollocks instead of adding perhaps new unique factions with particular racial and regional aesthetics.

Having a white medieval European faction is fine.
As would having a black African inspired faction (i.e. maybe aesthetically based on the historical western African empires).
Why did you take the lazy (And frankly offensive) path.

Bit suspicious that this DEI shenanigans is being used to cover up a bad game tbh, because that seems to be the trend at the moment. Make bad game? Hide it with black female wheel chair people.
If youre talking about the first screenshot faction, Its more atlantean than European, Seeing as how most modern scholars believe atlantis was in the eye of the sahara, Them being darker skinned is not political agenda
Last edited by MagnusTheRedMage; 25 Mar @ 3:32pm
Its not just the first screenshot, its in the trailer too.
I noticed it with a lot of the troops.

Like I said it is unnecessary when you can just create a new inspired faction.

Like other games have done it, older games than this too- like black and white 2, which had 4 factions (Spartans, Aztecs, Japanese, and Celts).

I dont have an issue with diverse factions I have an issue when it seems to me like they are trying to racially make a game fit a western countries modern demographic.

And like I said it smells of wokeism, and trying to appeal to people based on surface level changes, rather than content and mechanical depth of the game.
Zephyr 25 Mar @ 7:16pm 
Originally posted by Spice Merchant:
I quite like diversity in games when its done correctly.

Originally posted by Spice Merchant:
Instead of making multiple factions to show off specific regions and cultures, lets mash all the colours into the europeans like its the modern west.
Its unnecessary and frankly racist.

Isn't it such a shame that people always seem to miss the mark for diversity advocates like you? They're just doing diversity wrong! But if you don't mind, I'd like to address a few inconsistencies that I, as a diversity noob, just don't get:

  • Who exactly are "the Europeans" in this game? Is it the Elari, the Maru, the Jorn, or did I miss the option to play "the Europeans"?
  • How is this game supposed to be racist, and who is the game supposed to be racist against? I honestly don't get it.
  • Also, may I point out that your (completely non-racist) idea of "diversity" is to have ethnically homogeneous cultures? How is that diverse? Because every culture and ethnic group has its own little apartheid faction?
  • More generally, why do you care so much about the ethnic make-up of a fictional society in a game whose focus is clearly not an accurate depiction of medieval Europe? Is it the lack of "realism"? Then why don't you complain that it's always daytime in the game? That the game lacks basic necessities like food and shelter? That the game suggests a functioning medieval society without a monetary system (I bet this is a veiled attempt to shove Marxist ideology down our throats!!1!)?

Despite these inconsistencies, which I find quite confusing, I am, of course, completely on your side! Who needs diversity and representation and any semblance of artistic licence when it's obviously far more important to preserve the delicate sensibilities of people like you who prefer your medieval settlers to be monochromatic blobs (but each faction gets its own brand of monochromatic blob, because you love diversity so much!). Keep up the good fight against those pesky developers and their insidious attempts to acknowledge the rich tapestry of human history and the beauty of diverse cultures!
Dudepool 25 Mar @ 9:42pm 
Well said Zephyr.
If you were trapped in a fire and I was mere feet away, I'd go have a beer.
I don't buy any EA or Ubi-soft titles no more no matter how good they are !!!
because even if you play them thru steam you still need to install there launcher as well and i don't like being forced in a pattern other then my daily routine... just my 2 cents

so you want to make a extra buck here and there remove the forced launchers same goes for EA and everything Epic i mean its just our money your after any hows !!! so why don't you let us choose how and where we spend it ???
Well the issue is some of you dont seem to care about world building, I actually do.
So when you have two difference species/races the obvious question is; how do they come to be together.

If I looked at The Elder Scrolls for example, who are the redguard? Where are they from? Is it reasonable for them to be in other regions? And if so to what sphere of influence? And you can do that with any of them, would you have nords in Blackmarsh (Argonian/Lizard people) for example.

And so this brings obvious problems when you start mixing peoples racial demographies in a game. Especially in a setting that looks very European (Climate and aesthetic).
Simply put you would not have black people, because being black, like being white, is an evolutionary adaptation to our environments.

So unless they are in the harsh sun similar to Africa where did they come from, and if it is harsh, why are there white people.

The only way this can make sense is if there is a hidden narrative (ie one group came from another place) OR they are inserting real world (western) diversity narratives into the game state. Probably under the false guise of inclusion.

Like if you want to build a world and have people invested in that world you need to explain things, that goes from species, to race, to sex (If there was no women, I'd ask how they reproduce), to culture, to aesthetic, to flora and fauna, etc.

And finally when inserting these narratives, it is normally to cover for the fact the developers have made a crap game, and so they seek to appeal to peoples diversity instead of to peoples ability to enjoy a good story and a good world design.
Last edited by Spicy Grasshopper; 26 Mar @ 7:20am
Kai 26 Mar @ 7:16am 
Its ubicrap, they tick every ESG and DEI box except the ones thats about making an honest decent quality game that people would enjoy.

Took one look at the game and nope.
I just quite plainly can't connect to the aesthetic styles, because the world setting is incoherent in being put together, all ethnicities being mixed in together is pretty much a non-issue because its not recognizably aligned to our own world but i still have no idea what Elari, Maru and Jorn is meant to represent.

It sounds like it was entirely cooked up by AI story generation.
Dudepool 26 Mar @ 10:12am 
We get it, you don't like black people "out of their place." Others of us don't have an issue with black folks.
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