The Great Couturier

The Great Couturier

Niko Bellic  [desarrollador] 12 JUN a las 12:16 p. m.
Feedback Thread
If you've tried the game, we would love to hear your thoughts. What did you like? What would you like to see added? What aspects of the game are especially important to you? Thank you in advance for your feedback - it will help us improve the game.
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Mostrando 1-10 de 10 comentarios
essence. 16 JUN a las 7:29 a. m. 
limit options
wish there is more options for different styles and patterns
Niko Bellic  [desarrollador] 16 JUN a las 10:50 a. m. 
Hello! Since there can be different items and patterns each round, I have to ask: do you mean within a single round or throughout the entire game? If you mean the latter, do you think you've seen everything already? How many times have you played? Anyway, please keep in mind that this is just a demo.
Forestcrunk 18 JUN a las 1:28 p. m. 
I just couldn't figure out scoring system. It would be nice to know what I'm exactly being judged on, that way I know what's expected of me and make adjustments in the right direction. Is it switching up the color, is it patterns not clashing, or is it just sort of random?? It would also be nice in addition to the re-roll to have a Lock button (or two) to save items you can't currently afford or don't want re-rolled. I do like how you change the color/pattern of an item you already own, so multiple copies aren't necessary. I also really like how you mixed Rouge-lite mechanics with a "Fashion Battler", if that's even a thing. I think if you continue to develop it in this Rouge-lite/infinite replay-ability type direction, you may end up with a hit game that people who wouldn't ordinarily play games about fashion (like myself) want to play, without alienating the core/or intended audience. A Rouge-lite Fashion Battler, as far as I know, isn't a game (or genre) that currently exists, but certainly should.
Good luck, Have fun :endzone_beverage:
Niko Bellic  [desarrollador] 21 JUN a las 11:17 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Forestcrunk:
I just couldn't figure out scoring system. It would be nice to know what I'm exactly being judged on, that way I know what's expected of me and make adjustments in the right direction. Is it switching up the color, is it patterns not clashing, or is it just sort of random?? It would also be nice in addition to the re-roll to have a Lock button (or two) to save items you can't currently afford or don't want re-rolled. I do like how you change the color/pattern of an item you already own, so multiple copies aren't necessary. I also really like how you mixed Rouge-lite mechanics with a "Fashion Battler", if that's even a thing. I think if you continue to develop it in this Rouge-lite/infinite replay-ability type direction, you may end up with a hit game that people who wouldn't ordinarily play games about fashion (like myself) want to play, without alienating the core/or intended audience. A Rouge-lite Fashion Battler, as far as I know, isn't a game (or genre) that currently exists, but certainly should.
Good luck, Have fun :endzone_beverage:
Thank you for your kind words! :) Actually, I'm not sure there are many people who enjoy roguelikes and love fashion at the same time. I'm sure there are a few, but I doubt their number is significant. However, we believe that players of fashion games might be tired of all these F2P games and could be open to discovering a game in the roguelike genre, even if they don't know what roguelike means. :)
StylishGlasses 29 JUN a las 7:39 p. m. 
A bit late since I only discovered this game yesterday. I've played the demo for about 10 rounds. I do notice a few odd things;

1. Scoring system. I do not understand how I win or lose. Am I wearing the right colour or prints? Did I put the wrong top or bottom? It would be nice to know if there's a theme or requirements for every round. Would make it feel more of a game.
2. Perhaps this will only be available in the full game but I notice how some outfits and patterns couldn't access to certain colours. Just think it's important to report in case this is a bug.
3. Identical items appear in shop. I would prefer it if every item in shop is distinctive.

That's what I gather from the demo. What I would like to see in a full game if possible;
1. Rotating my model during the dress up section. I want to see how my accessories or hairstyle look upfront since I only see them from certain angle.
2. Applying patterns on accessories. So far only colour changes are applicable on accessories.
3. Different stages and backgrounds. I would like to see different settings during the fashion battle and dress up. Would make some outfits pop due to colour constrast.

That's all the criticisms I can think of for now. As a fashion game player, it's nice to see fashion games that wouldn't break my wallet and knowing there are devs making games of this genre.
Última edición por StylishGlasses; 29 JUN a las 7:48 p. m.
sasplan95 4 JUL a las 8:19 a. m. 
I think this is a great start! Its nice to see a fashion game that doesn't require microtransactions. A few thoughts:

1) As others have mentioned, I don't understand the scoring. I'd like to have clearer criteria to work with so I can understand what I need to focus on for following rounds.

2) I like the game, but it does get repetitive quickly. Maybe if there was a theme or category for each round it would spice things up a little?

3) I'd be interested in more elements to customize- changing the model's makeup, adding jewelry or other accessories.
Devin 4 JUL a las 6:48 p. m. 
Add performance optimization in settings add a 2d mode to get the old feel of the game add background for your models but so far it’s ok
Niko Bellic  [desarrollador] 7 JUL a las 3:38 a. m. 
Thank you all for your feedback, we read everything. We'd like to address two main questions – about the judging system and future updates.

Several people have inquired about the evaluation system, so I’ll share what I mentioned earlier:

Regarding the judging mechanics, we like to keep some elements a surprise to maintain the fun and challenge. However, we can share that while there are random elements (just like in real life), they are secondary. The primary factor is how well your design aligns with the system's standards for beauty at each level of difficulty. The opponent models serve as a loose benchmark, but the key is creating an outfit that meets the system's expectations for the round. The better you align with these expectations, the higher your chances of winning.

As for future updates, we initially envisioned this as a small, experimental fashion game, incorporating mechanics from the roguelike genre. We were curious to see if there would be a substantial audience for such a game. We've already invested several full months of work into the development, and while the niche nature of the game remains a consideration, we're excited about the unique experience it offers.

This is a complete game (not in early access) and we believe it provides great value for its price, offering something distinct from other games on the market. If we see that the audience is engaged and interested (current feedback suggests potential, and this can evolve) – we will be thrilled to add new content to the game or even consider developing a new game that expands on these ideas. If interest remains limited, we'll carefully consider our next steps, but we are committed to delivering a unique and enjoyable experience to those who appreciate this genre.
Última edición por Niko Bellic; 7 JUL a las 3:51 a. m.
zen 11 JUL a las 1:53 a. m. 
i enjoyed Jojo's Fashion Show, and it's sequel World Tour. i guess i bought this game hoping for something along the same lines.. it's not. i echo the thoughts of others in wishing for more clues on what is expected for a win, and more choices. also.. is it me, or is it not possible to change more than one item without buying it? like, see how an entire outfit looks before buying it. why can i not change one item to what i have already bought without having the whole outfit change. maybe that is just me, i've only played briefly so far.

edit: after playing some more, i'm think i'm getting the hang of it now.. and enjoying it. thanks!
Última edición por zen; 11 JUL a las 10:25 p. m.
PanicImManic 3 AGO a las 9:49 p. m. 
i love this game i would love to see a social system added to game and maybe more themed based challenges and having tags for items to categorize them, a showcase or closet for favorite creations
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Publicado el: 12 JUN a las 12:16 p. m.
Mensajes: 10