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Do Zombs still do confusing behaviors?
I saw the (very vague) zomb update post. Previously, I would have problems involving Zombs doing the following things that I really think they shouldn't:
1. Casually walking into/through radioactive waste trails
2. Walking, crossing, and most importantly BUILDING on tiles they're supposed to hate (like the red ones I can't remember the name of right now); this is especially frustrating when it downright removes/replaces the roads I've built when they build on them (plus they get angry when I have to tear down what they built on it, when they shouldn't have been provoked to build on them in the first place)
3. Crossing from a happy zomb town you make them all the way through multiple supposedly disliked barriers (pools, disliked flooring, radioactive waste trails, etc) to attack your home walls and fences at random for seemingly no reason (why leave the nice area they like to force themselves through things they DON'T like to go attack your stuff? Especially unprovoked?)
4. Only seemingly react to bad things you do to them (more zombs will rapidly show up as a result of zombs being killed or their buildings being demolished) but not the good things (they don't seem to care much about all the nice buildings we make them out of stuff they like :c )
5. Generally building way too much, especially close to YOUR builds (if I have a massive map, why build around where I am instead of literally anywhere else?)

I'd generally like to know what kind of behaviors were added/changed and if any of these problems have been addressed.
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Bludgeonsoft  [dév.] 13 juin 2020 à 10h55 
The new zomb behaviors are intended to give players small reason to keep them around.

Most of the behaviors you outline here only happen if you attack the zombs, or if you "jail" them. Zombs have dislikes, but depending on how angry or unhappy (or how smart) they are, they can overcome those dislikes.

Zombs get lonely, get jealous, and are inherently selfish. Even if you peacefully build them a place of their own, they will sometimes migrate away. You can easily lure them back.

Also, there are many items you can use to deal with them. (Note: zombitons have no fear of toxic waste, they just don't love it when you are glowing yellow!)

Unless you enjoy the chaos of a zomb infestation, or if you are trying to balance a zomb-carnivorous-animatroid ecosystem, don't ever attack the zombitons. If this happens by accident, try playing with them with their favorite toy - blow bubbles! This will quickly calm their swarming instinct.

I hope this helps!

- Mark
Bludgeonsoft a écrit :
The new zomb behaviors are intended to give players small reason to keep them around.

Most of the behaviors you outline here only happen if you attack the zombs, or if you "jail" them. Zombs have dislikes, but depending on how angry or unhappy (or how smart) they are, they can overcome those dislikes.

Zombs get lonely, get jealous, and are inherently selfish. Even if you peacefully build them a place of their own, they will sometimes migrate away. You can easily lure them back.

Also, there are many items you can use to deal with them. (Note: zombitons have no fear of toxic waste, they just don't love it when you are glowing yellow!)

Unless you enjoy the chaos of a zomb infestation, or if you are trying to balance a zomb-carnivorous-animatroid ecosystem, don't ever attack the zombitons. If this happens by accident, try playing with them with their favorite toy - blow bubbles! This will quickly calm their swarming instinct.

I hope this helps!

- Mark
I never attack them due to said swarms, so they certainly don't seem to "only happen" when attacking them :X Unless that's a bug.
How do you lure them back to an area you built for them?
Bludgeonsoft  [dév.] 14 juin 2020 à 14h48 
It could be a bug, zombs should only build things when the horde is swarming. I'll do some tests!

You can lure zombs around just by getting them to follow you. Walk near them to get their attention, then move away toward where you want them to end up. Or just use the small hammer, which knocks them back but only stuns them.

I think the main issue is that zombs as they are currently are not that fun. My goal is to work on that in the coming weeks.
Only build when swarming, huh? I guess that means I should start taking videos or something if they continue to do it outside of that :0

Also that's fair enough, I just thought for a moment that there might've been some kind of luring tactic I was missing :p

I will admit...Zombs (although I haven't fiddled with the new update just yet) are more of a nuisance than anything. One way you could make them more interesting and interactive is to maybe add various ways they react to certain things. There's a lot of "trash" items that could potentially be worked into this! For example, maybe they get curious about a bottle or tire on the ground and kick it around, which could double as a calming distraction for zombs that have wandered too close to your home (especially if you can't stop to go lure them away immediately). My thoughts on this stem from how many animals seem weirdly easily entertained by plastic and rubber objects (from a virtual perspective, tires are pretty common toys in a lot of zoo tycoon type games, even)
Bludgeonsoft  [dév.] 15 juin 2020 à 9h50 
Ooo, I love the "distracted by shiny junk" Idea! That works very well with their newly-added behaviors (junk-related)... This might just have to be added to the game.
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