The Unliving

The Unliving

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Dear Devs.
Would love to see a Demo :steamhappy:
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Devs bailed. Steam's 2 hour return window is as much demo as this will likely see.
Origineel geplaatst door Tyrian Mollusk:
Devs bailed. Steam's 2 hour return window is as much demo as this will likely see.
I checked their webpage, did they actually shut down the studio before the game even released?

Cause on their official page it still says "check out our upcoming game that comes out in 2023"
This game was screwed from the get-go. Once a couple months passed with the mixed reviews and they hadnt fixed the minion AI or path-finding I was suspicious it was a much deeper problem and probably wasnt going to get fixed ever. Thats honestly why I never bought the game. It sucks cuz everything else is done very nicely, especially the pixel art.
Sad, I really like the premise, the artstyle and I love necromancers, tried the demo/beta and the idea of having an undead army was nice but badly executed. I guess is time to unwishlist the game
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