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dahoov2 2024년 7월 9일 오후 5시 46분
I did something nobody else has done I take it and my game is ruined? BISCUIT: NOT the unlocked cage thing
Hi all, my first post. I did 97%+ of the game and now STUCK and there is only three Merlin trials and a couple platforms and one Revlio page to get for me. HOWEVER, there is one quest left too.. "Take the Biscuit". I followed the storyline and before I was to return Biscuit to the Goblin under the bridge in Hogsmeade, I want to the Vivarium to put two other Mooncalfs there and I didn't know the mechanics well at the time (my first time in there) and I hit "C" and accidentally released "Biscuit" into the wild... So I went back to all the Mooncalf dens and caught them all (and had to sell all later) but no Biscuit. Is this irretrievable? Did I muff up the game badly? I can't seem to finish now. I seem to have done all but above (having problems doing those I can't find the platforms and I can't time those Merlin trials). I'll figure those out but what I really want is BISCUIT@@@@@ HELP ME PLEASE you are my only hope!
게시된 날짜: 2024년 7월 9일 오후 5시 46분
게시글: 0