Drugoja In The Dreaming DrugoRev
Drugoja In The Dreaming DrugoRev
6 July, 2021
ABOUT Drugoja In The Dreaming

But who is the Dreamer?

Group's name is inspired by the comic Sandman's The Dreaming being not only a place where people go to dream, but of imagination, creation, art and, above all, a place made of stories. And as Terry Pratchett said: “There's always a story. It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world."

And that includes video games. It's a medium with great potential for storytelling and unique expression. That's what drew me to it in the first place when I started playing Point'n'Click Adventures way back when. It was only natural that I'd stumble on Visual Novels eventually, and in between, anything from Story Rich and Narrative Adventures to Choices Matter, Interactive Fiction and an occasional Walking Sim. Genre wise, I'm easily hooked by (psychological) horror, mind-bending sci-fi, existentialist themes and surreal mindfuc|ks.

This is my personal group/curator, a place to gather all my reviews and various other writing. It's primarily dedicated to narrative games of all kinds. In my reviews, I usually focus on storytelling (in whatever form) and tend to emphasise narrative structures, tropes, themes, ideas; I like to dig between the lines trying to uncover what the game is actually saying. "Thankfully, I'm an expert in subtext" 🐛(and reading into things... and overthinking... shh!) So if you're into that sort of thing consider following my curator page 🥰 That way you can see my quick thoughts on curated games while browsing the store.

As for the forum, initially I wanted to use it for various lists of games (hidden gems, potential games for reviewing, a good way to keep track of interesting titles and free my ever growing wishlist a bit). While that is a work in progress, which I neglected a bit, it turns out I started using the forum for more writing. If you venture a bit there, you can find threads with demo previews, the video game music thread, movies and music reviews, full game reviews (those that break steam's character limit) and scattered notes and thoughts on special games that inspire it (those which compel me to keep on writing and writing); with more to come probably...

Feel free to join the group and recommend some interesting gems (be it games/other media), or find something interesting for yourself... or just to say hi 👋

See ya! ✨

PS: Group profile pic - Featherine Augustus Aurora, Endless Witch of Theatergoing, Drama and Spectating, from Umineko


➰ Reviews
➰ Curator
🦇👻🎃💀 Flash Halloween Giveaway 💀🎃👻🦇
:aw_blood:The Letter:aw_blood:
If you still don't have it in your library, now's the chance. Just write a comment below, and a random number generator will pick the winner tomorrow evening, :stasishand: on October 31st, around 20:00 (8:00 PM) CET. You know the drill :stasisdrill:

Good luck! :ZE_4_Leaf_Clover::decap:
:DevilPumpkin::ImGhost::_pumpkin_: ~Have a nice spooky All Hallows' Eve~ :DoodleDevil_Pumpkin::ImGhost::StrangePumpkin:

PS: If you don't already follow the Curator Page now's as good a time as any :willhappy:

Visual Novel Fest
Drugoja In The Dreaming reviews
"All kinds of narrative games: Visual Novels, Point'n'Click Adventures, Narrative Adventures, Story Rich, Choices Matter, Interactive Fiction, Walking Sims and other games that have something interesting to say."
Here are a few recent reviews by Drugoja In The Dreaming
Drugo⚸a 31 Jul, 2024 @ 3:26pm 
Welcome to the group to all new members! :ayos_heart: Hope you enjoy what you find here. Don't forget to also follow the curator when you join. Thank you for your interest in my scribblings and musings :happystar2022:
Drugo⚸a 7 Jan, 2024 @ 6:55pm 
Anyway... I want to welcome all the new people who joined the group. Thank you for the support. <3 Hope you had lovely Christmas and New Year holidays :wintersnowman2023: (or New Year and Christmas, in that order, like in this part of he world ;D)
Viire 4 Apr, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
....Sounds on brand though. I still remember the old steam greenlight... Thanks for taking the time to inform me! I look forward to whatever you review next!
Drugo⚸a 3 Apr, 2023 @ 7:10pm 
Hmm, isn't the GOG version censored, as in h-scenes taken out? If so, then it can be done for Steam too. Besides, Wonderful Everyday (Subarashiki Hibi) somehow made it to Steam and there's no chopping that cleanly, unless you cut the whole game... which is what they did. Only the prologue/first chapter is here, the rest (90%) is behind the free patch :we_ayana: I'm not sure Full Metal Daemon Muramasa is more extreme in content, tbh. But then again, Steam has been known to ban VNs for all sorts of random reasons, and let other pass with no problem. Totally inconsistent.
Viire 2 Apr, 2023 @ 8:06pm 
To be completely transparent, it's bad enough that I'm actually not quite brave enough to play it myself! ;~;

I've done a ton of reading about it, but there's still a real shortage of those that have actually played the thing and it's apparently good! I don't think I'm a squeamish person, I love the grotesque, Dead Space being a favorite, and I can read stuff like Berserk. But I dunno if I have the strength for this particular dive into the dark, tragic, and depressing. LOL
Viire 2 Apr, 2023 @ 8:00pm 
I think it'd be pretty hard to chop it up for steam to feel comfy enough to release it, Song of Saya is probably much easier to censor than this one... It's the Urobutcher and he's very much in his element with this one.
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6 July, 2021