DLR Community DLRCommunity
DLR Community DLRCommunity
8 October, 2015
ABOUT DLR Community

Giving a voice to the Community

This page was made for the community to have a voice. Nobody is here to over rule you or to force silence apon you just because of one persons decision.

Want to have a say? Go start up a discussion! ^^

DLR Australia Lucid Gaming[]
Coybucket260280 30 Sep, 2016 @ 6:03am 
good admins my ass i had a lag spike on my internet for 2 mins then i got moved to the spectator group. Reasonable right? yeah thats reasonable then i asked to be moved back into the infected group and explained i was just having a little bit of lag and well yes i was moved back onto the infected group about 30 seconds later i vote for me to be kicked was started. Note i never used any verbal language or disrespected any staff or players. Pigs (current admin on the server) supported this vote. there was no legitmate reason for this i had been playing on the server for about 2 hours streight no issues and well yeah here i am.
Daspectrum 31 Oct, 2015 @ 6:13pm 
Cheers guys, As everyone wold know i have been in gta of late with pam, bender zum and Vic taking a break away from the drama hoping it would all calm down and certain people would grow up and start acting their age. Thanks to all those who are enjoying the server we are live in two countries. Not to mention our Rayman servers that people are loving. Also much love goes out to Pigs, Krispy, Pheonix, Warlock, Princess and of course Zum for being really great admins on the servers without good admins and a Fantasic player base we wouldnt be anywhere.
🌸Zummyx🌸TTV 31 Oct, 2015 @ 12:32pm 
if you dont have time for it why go out of your way to even comment on here? and yes the game itself is dying because its old and out dated but there will still be people that play it. you admit yourself its dying but why do you go through all this trouble and make such a fuss over it when you know that there isnt much left. and just to let you know ken. youre not DLR you may be apart of it but youre not DLR there is other people that contributed to what it is today. so you need to stop taking possession of what isnt yours. dlr, btk and all those other type of modded servers where made for the community of l4d/l4d2 so just give it a rest and get over it ken. we just want to have fun and everyone is sick of hearing about the war between you and moo. and its shit like that that also drives the players away even faster then normal.
Chaotic Phoenix 31 Oct, 2015 @ 12:27pm 
To be in fact there is a link to all your tyrant acts.....
Chaotic Phoenix 31 Oct, 2015 @ 12:23pm 
You serious dude? You always claim all of it to be yours. Use people then throw them in trash. Dont come here acting all high and mighty thinking you own the web.
DLR.O Ken 31 Oct, 2015 @ 12:16pm 
You people are a joke, I removed all traces of any of the supposed drama from DLR, and could care less what you all do, have fun. After all you are still using my name, and my software, and have really done nothing new. I don't have time for it, or for your inflated attitudes. If you enjoy what I built have fun. But trust me, the game is dying and nothing is gonna change that.
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8 October, 2015