The Elder Scrolls: Interregnum ES:I
The Elder Scrolls: Interregnum ES:I
10 March, 2019
ABOUT The Elder Scrolls: Interregnum

"A slight chance is all probability requires. There is no such thing as impossible odds." — Sotha Sil

The Interregnum Period now sees it's devastating climax...
The year is 2E 584
The Interregnum Period has dragged on for more than 500 years, Tamriel is full of strife. The King of Worms Mannimarco has successfully aligned with Molag Bal which has caused chaos and strife throughout Cyrodiil and has begun the process of Planemeld, An attempt to drag Nirn out of Mundus and into Bal's own realm Coldharbour.

While this is occuring, one of the largest conflicts to be waged yet in Tamriel has begun. The Three Banners War involving the Aldmeri Dominion, The Daggerfall Covenant, and the Ebonheart Pact has entered full swing for the Ruby Throne. Who will come out on top in this titanic power struggle?

7 IRL days is 1 Year.

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Wiki[]
Map Information Thread
The Interregnum Discord[]
On the status of the roleplay.
Falkreath Stirs.
The Remaining Threats

The recent months have been significantly more peaceful for Falkreath than the years prior that were filled with deadly raids from the Reachmen, raids that have significantly been reduced as the current leader in the Reach seems to have become less hostile to Western Skyrim. With this relative peace, Falkreath shall begin to fortify it's defenses on other fronts. A ring of 4 or so forts shall be constructed along Falkreath Hold's Southern and Eastern borders to defend against possible incursions from Eastern Skyrim or Cyrodiil. With these new planned forts, new troops are required and so Jarl Hjurgol has started a recruitment drive from the Falkreath populace, primarily targeting younger men from the outer villages that wish to get a life greater than a rural one. Adventurers that wish to settle down would also be welcome to assist in the defenses of the forts as well although those from Falkreath Hold are the ideal recruits.

Jarl Hjurgol also has begun host a feast in his younger brother, Torvar's, honor after he participated in the Circle of Champions and was on the winning team, especially with the fact that he was the one holding the chaos ball and held off one of the eastern skyrim pretender's men in single combat via superior tactics. Glory to Torvar Skjoralmar of Falkreath!

Steely Dan 22 Apr, 2020 @ 1:39pm Elder Scrolls RP
CornedBeef Boris 1 May, 2019 @ 8:44am 
Can I get the permissions to post apps?
Branchie 29 Apr, 2019 @ 3:14pm 
We're going through them soon
CornedBeef Boris 29 Apr, 2019 @ 12:43pm 
Can an admin approve my application?
warwick 26 Apr, 2019 @ 3:26pm 
hi darthman and bastone
Branchie 25 Apr, 2019 @ 9:16pm 
Everyone say Hi to Darthman whom is our new General and Quest admin, and Bastone whom is the new battle admin.