GiveawaysEveryMonth FreeGamesNow
GiveawaysEveryMonth FreeGamesNow
21 June, 2012
ABOUT GiveawaysEveryMonth

Steam Game Giveaways

We do several giveaways, with members doing giveaways as well as official giveaways every Month. I give away games to one, or several, members who have been the most active and helpful throughout the Month, as well as giving a chance for all members to sign up for a chance to win several games, with more giveaways planned for the coming Months.

The Rules Are Simple, Please Follow Them Accordingly.

1. You must Join the group.

2.. Post a comment under the Thread of the Month on why You should win. Also write down which game you would like to you, You can only choose one game, or else you will be disqualified.


My Name is XXXX and I would like to win XXXX because, XXXX.

Look Below for a Better Chance to WIN
Donation Required for Below


There will be Thousands of people competing against eachother. There will only be 10 Winners a Month, So i made an Advantage System. Although I will be picking 10 people at random, I will give a 50% chance more of winning prizes or even Double Prizes if you Donate. The donations don't have to be extreme. They either can be games purchased and sent to Me (which will go straight back into the Giveaways) and or Money to my Paypal account ($5.00) again which will go straight back into the giveaways as Gamecards of the winners choice.

The way i will be hosting these giveaways as shown above but under your Thread to enter the Competition i will tell you to repost your thread but with a Specific work in the thread. Each persons Word will be different. I will put all the names who donated to the giveaway into a Bag and pick out 5 at random to win items from the Donations, So there basiclly is 15 Winners overall.


My Name is XXXX and I would like to win XXXX because, XXXX. "SPIDERMAN"

Only if you have Donated you will be given a better chance to win bigger and better prizes so be sure to donate.¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP-DonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG.gif%3aNonHosted

Hint : I will be posting the how many people donated. This will be giving you a Chance to See how many people are in the Other Goodiebag handout. This means the Less people = The More chance you will have of winning.

Donation Count: 2

Donations All go back into the Giveaway! So Donate and save a Baby! :)

$5.00 - Spot in Donar Giveaway (Put all Donaters names in a bag and pick out 5. )

$10.00 - Spot in Donar Giveaway (3 times) + Admin on the Group. (Admins will have a giveaway each moth, i will choose one admin to win each month. )

$20.00 - Spot in Donar giveaway for the next 10 upcoming Giveaways + Admin on group

$50.00 - Co-Owner. All Perks Apply + more Specil Bonuses + Any Game Each Month you choose.
Attention - READ!
tcfvhbjn 29 May, 2015 @ 2:13am 
Hello My Name Is Fong and I would like to get Half Life 2 because really like gmod and heard it was based on half life 2 so Please i would like to get it

Thank You.
Mike Hunt 22 Nov, 2014 @ 2:52pm 
Hello my name is James and I would like to get CS:GO because I am extremely into fps games especially ones with snipers, but also I have been looking for free fps games but haven't found one that is good like CS:GO, And I would like to try new games and experience the CS:GO hype. Thanks
@CALA@_PIT 5 Jun, 2014 @ 4:05pm 
Hello, my name is Hector, and I want the dayz game because I have friends that play it and still do not have it
Anghonic 29 May, 2014 @ 5:04pm 
Hello my name is salvador and i would like to get dayz because i would like to play that game and i think it is a awesome game.
Sulleman 23 May, 2014 @ 11:48am 
Hello my name is Mohammed and i would like to win saints row iv cause i LOVE that game
EG.Kn1ght [A] * 4 May, 2014 @ 7:16am 
Hello my name is hampus and i Would like to win mirrors edge Cause i like parkour and my BIG broder is doing it in real life.
VIEW ALL (183)
Group Player of the Week:
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21 June, 2012