Modders Against the Community ModAC
Modders Against the Community ModAC
24 May, 2016
ABOUT Modders Against the Community

Modders that deserve more respect from the Community.

What is this group about?
The group introduces our modders that have worked hard on their lives on creating some content for the community. But some of us were given hateful comments that we shouldn't deserve and that impacts our motivation.

This, however, the group itself alone won't change the community either way. It shows up how many modders are frustrated of these people, who don't even know what they talk about or what they even looking for.

What's wrong with the community anyway?
Pretty much self-explanatory, if you look around the discussions tab or at a random model addon.
A lot of people (mostly under their age of 13) are highly aggressive in the comment section, shouting at several modders to do stuff that we cannot do since it takes a lot of time and effort to do. Even after we answered them that we can't do the content for them they wanted to see, they still come at us and shout us being unrespectful and lazy. That happened a lot, especially to the modders like us.
Addons being randomly banned PSA
randomdude 20 Jul, 2022 @ 3:35pm 
KOVAH_ehT | HT.S | 8 Jun, 2022 @ 9:11pm 
lol same
jahpeg 8 Jun, 2022 @ 11:54am 
Life as a modder that takes themselves very very seriously, as I'm sure you all know, is so, so hard, and I'm so tired.

In the modern world, love as a modder against the community is impossible. I've never had a date or gf in my life. So lately I started to put in the effort.

I've approached around 60 women in the past 5 months. All have led to rejection or them flaking on me.

At most I'll get their social media like instagram or a number. Then they'll never reply or tell me I'm not that attractive and then block me.

I have a slight overbite, slightly recessed chin, and my jaw area is very narrow lacking jawlines (not fat either)

I've thought about saving for custom implants for my jaw and chin. In an effort to meet the new high standards that women in society have set.

It's a tough world out there.
fidget 7 Jun, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
group SUCKS i go to bed
roachisserie chicken 23 Jan, 2022 @ 8:50am 
what about that comment was casual racism? the fact that the buzzword slave was used? PoCs don't have a monopoly on slavery, or being slaves
👑 Duke the King Indo-Rex 👑 30 Dec, 2021 @ 3:26pm 
the most entitled zoomer filled community has to go to f*cking garry's mod because they force modders to do slave labor and give next no thanks or meaningless thanks and just tell em to go do more right after a addon is released from them because thats what these stupid kids want: content galore and to drive modders as slaves for them and their whack a$$ desires of content.

biggest mistake of my life wasting over 4k+ hours into this game i want it back but i never will get it back so oops.
Enter chat room
24 May, 2016