Warhammer 40 000 Space marine Honour Guard Honour Guard
Warhammer 40 000 Space marine Honour Guard Honour Guard
29 May, 2012
ABOUT Warhammer 40 000 Space marine Honour Guard

Group for battle brothers who still fight this eternal war

I'll tell you this, my battle brothers. First there were thousands of us,now only hundreds remain. But our loyalty has not diminished! We still fight for the Emperor, and our enemy still fights for the Dark gods... Even if our artificers/warsmiths have stopped updating us with new and more effective weaponry, there is still hope for the suply of Relics to be received.
So stand your ground, defeat the foe, cause we are the Honour guard, we are the Death watch, we are Emperors Angels of Death!

This group was created for people who are active players of Warhammer 40 000 Space Marine, to help them to find games, both versus and exterminatus, especially on DLC maps. Any player is welcomed as long as he(she) is playing this game.
It would be really great if you would introduct yourself a little, what game types do you like, which map packs do you own, and when can you play online.
On my part I promise, I will overwatch this group, and I''ll arrange as many team games as possible, if there will be interest in it. (failed to do that, lots of work, little time for games)

Were expanding! Captured some ground for our further use! Literally what I mean is, that I want this group members to play more games than just Space Marine together. So far I'll add :

--Warhammer 40 000 Dawn of war 2: Retribution
--Warhammer 40 000 Dawn of war: Soulstorm ( Dark Crusade is also ok, just Soulstorm is the latest Dow1)
--Warhammer 40 000 Eternal Crusade

Please vote for more games to play together!! For every game there will be chosen an admin to arrange games. If you have questions or propositions go ahead !!!

DON'T FORGET : Our friends:

IR0N KNIGHTS - tag [IronKnight]
Dark Angels ==DA== - tag (==DA==)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - There Is Only War - tag (SM WAR)
☩The Black Templars☩ - tag (☩BT☩) or (BT)

General admins (highest rank officers) : Norma
Group board admins (moralle officer, profanity insults and etc.) : White Spy

Our squads of Honour guard:

1st squad: Blood angels Honour guard
Squad leader: Colombo6

RULES: Check the announcement Blood angels Honour guard rules

Also I can be very busy with work.
wake up
SoulEater 4 Jan, 2024 @ 7:48am 
DOW2 Dedicated Discord Servers
Hi all,

A while back, two DOW2 players.. Oskar and me realized there were no dedicated DOW II discord servers for players to use to meet and talk with other players, since Steam groups are not the happening places these days for DOW2 stuff.

With that, we decide to make two servers for players. One for DOW2/CR/Retribution (campaign and PVP), and other is for Last Stand (focusing on Retribution since most players play that).

So, I made this post to invite any players to join these DOW II servers (a soft reopening for these servers).

Dedicated DOW II Servers:
⦁ Dawn of War II:
⦁ The Last Stand (DOW2):

Feel free to join, and feedback is welcomed!
Thank you, all!
Brother Belisarius 15 Dec, 2020 @ 8:22pm 
Greetings fellow traitors and possible renegades, our clan is currently about to become the word bearers, and we're looking for fellow chaos players, if you're interested in joining our clan then please accept our invite below, and for a little info about us, we're a friendly chill community of 40k gamers, our games include dawn of war 2 retribution soul storm and total war warhamer 2 and many other fantasy and 40k games, if you're interested in joining us, and helping us to wage the long war here is an invite to our clan
A R4B1D 5QUIR3L 6 Jul, 2020 @ 1:19pm 
ahoy fellow brothers, ive been attempting to play some eternal crusade (preferably PVE) but i cant find another player let alone a full squad. fellow astartes, lend me your strength against the tyrannid menace
[SW CM] Great Wolf Sol 2 Jun, 2020 @ 4:42pm 
Hello brothers an important note to all who comes across this message if by chance anyone within a group that already has or just picked up the game Space Marine there is a dedicated community a gathering place for us angels of death if anyone is interested in competitive or just relaxed play please join us and the clan of Ultramarines within the community, we march for macragge!
†he Burning DC 23 Feb, 2016 @ 5:11am 
Hello Brothers.:poweraxe:
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