Skype's Sexy Skittles SharkBoiz
Skype's Sexy Skittles SharkBoiz
5 July, 2015
United States 
ABOUT Skype's Sexy Skittles

Shark boiz for life

i... i need to let you know that... well.. we've known each other for almost 3 years now... and.. and I feel like i've gotten to know you the most out of all of them.. dont let cp know... he can never know how i feel... he'll... he'll just make fun of me... he.. he doesn't understand... I... well... well sneaky... I.. I just have to say... I love... I love you. so much. please. i know... i know we're not extremely compatible.. but... but I think we're made for each other. I know the rest of them well make fun of our love.... because we're both boys. Just young boys lost in a prejudiced and misunderst... misunderstanding world... but... but i thi... no.. i KNOW... we can make this work. I... I don't care what they say! sneaky! i love you! I always have! I love everything about you! Please... please just give me... NO... give US a chance... please... just a chance.. is all I ask...
love, paradocks

Suhhhh dood. We're a clan of super hardcore leet gamurs who take games mega-seriously and never ever ♥♥♥♥ around at all, and who are also bestestest buddies who love each other 5ever and have Skype calls almost everyday while we game together cuz we're all best friends forever and ever and ever and stuffs.

We're all really good at games and can do tons of impressive tricks and crazy strats.
One time, Genesis went 2 and 5 in a Valve Deathmatch!
Another time, Paradocks got two jump scouts in one game! Two!
This other time, CPL came up with a crazy original combo for Mill, where he used Coldlight Oracle, then Shadowstepped it... then played the Oracle again!
Sneaky once went an entire match without his game lagging and crashing! Not even once!
And Bread Mold? Oh, you won't believe it. He once unpacked Nozdormu... And kept it!!!

The Skittles
Bread Mold - The Emo Ginger
CPL - The Nerdy Generic
Genesis - The Retarded Baby
Paradocks - The Rich Asian
Sneaky - The Black Mexican

11:54 PM - Warren Infiltrator: *ring ring*
11:54 PM - World of Warren: YESS?
11:54 PM - World of Warren: who is?
11:54 PM - Warren Infiltrator: Helloooo
11:54 PM - Warren Infiltrator: its me
11:54 PM - Warren Infiltrator: WARREN
11:54 PM - World of Warren: BOOST ME WARREN
11:54 PM - Warren Infiltrator: HE IS IN VANT
11:55 PM - World of Warren: how am i bottom fragging warren?
11:55 PM - Warren Infiltrator: night night! sweet warren dreams
11:55 PM - World of Warren: good warren, warren
11:55 PM - Warren Infiltrator is now Away.

Sneaky YT
Brian YT
Alex YT
♥♥♥♥ you
Stinky bOy
Skype's Sexy Skittles reviews
Here are a few recent reviews by Skype's Sexy Skittles
poop goblin 25 Nov, 2022 @ 9:49am 
dam im good
hotdog water man 4 Jun, 2020 @ 2:55am 
congrats to sneaky, group player of the week 256 weeks in a row!
Wilmington 24 May, 2016 @ 8:38pm 
you're not the boss of me!
hotdog water man 24 May, 2016 @ 5:54am 
you're not allowed to change the picture. stahp.
Wilmington 3 Feb, 2016 @ 6:40pm 
get cancer
tchotchke sniffer 3 Dec, 2015 @ 4:25pm 
R.I.P all Skype calls: 2015 - When Genesis left us for skool
Group Player of the Week: