Shitlisting Service SlistingS
Shitlisting Service SlistingS
24 November, 2016
ABOUT Shitlisting Service

The last bastion of Quality Control on Steam

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The purpose of this group is to inform you of prominent issues or other subjects before buying into a game. While i write many full reviews, it's mostly warnings of spyware, injected politics, SBI, Denuvo and other problems.

If a game is found to be exceptionally good, it gets recommended.

💲𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞💲[]to support the cause.

"Doesn't Steam already have quality control?"

It used to but was removed back in 2017[] in favor of a "give us money and spam upload your games" approach that has obviously not worked out for anyone but Valve.

The entire video game industry as a whole has also switched from making quality games to pumping out broken, low-value microtransactions-filled heaps of garbage due to stupid people buying, defending and eating said garbage.

Business & Developer Inquires & Unban Requests:

Corporate Shitlist

What's wrong with Sweet Baby Inc?

What's wrong with Valve?[]

What's wrong with Denuvo?[]

What's wrong with Tencent?
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Deadlock Review

1. Gameplay.
I have over 8000+ hours in other MOBA's (Paragon, Predecessor, Battleborn, Smite, Dota, Paladins, etc) and i can confidently say that this game needs to be reworked from the ground up. Every character moves around like they got wheels under their shoes and a huge log taped to their back. It feels absolutely awful, especially for a shooter with almost exclusively hitscan weaponry.

For some reason, they decided to give every single gun a magazine capacity of 20-30 and a reload time of like 4-5 seconds which turns most fights into people awkwardly staring at each other as they wait for a circle to fill up. This wouldn't be so bad if every hero wasn't a massive bullet sponge that can get hundreds after hundreds of more health and even drastic 20-60% damage reductions on the cheap. Literally half of the "WEAPON" upgrades come with additional survivability.

In the midst of this sludge-fest, everyone gets 3-4 charges of sudden rocket boots dashes that can be used (even mid-air) to leap 20 feet in any direction with no cooldown for consecutive use. Aside from making the game feel inconsistent as fuck, it also completely hard-counters more than half of the abilities in the game where there's a channel or delayed area target such as grenades.

Mo & Krill digging towards you? Just dodge. Did someone throw a grenade? Dodge. Hooked by Bebop? Dodge back to where you were instantly. Did someone like Haze or Infernus pop their ult? Dodge. Mind you, this can all be done consecutively since you get multiple charges of this shit (for some reason) with no investment needed.

It's clear that whoever is designing this game has no fucking idea what they're doing. Speaking of:

2. Design.
This is a 6v6 game with 4 lanes of minions. Yes, it is as stupid as it sounds. Two lanes are 2v2 and two are 1v1. In my hours playing this game, there are literally never any actual teamfights taking place (except when defending/attacking the cum orbs at the end) since there is such an overwhelming emphasis on laning spread out across the entire map... Which ends up being very awkward since half the roster includes heroes that are very heavily support-oriented. If you don't play a character that's good at dueling, chances are you're completely fucked.

Valve also had the really funny idea to NOT allow you to play who you want by forcing everyone to pick at least 3 heroes before queuing. This matchmaking is absolutely fucking atrocious and encourages people to troll/go AFK/abandon the game in order to play the hero they actually want to fucking play.

Once you DO begin playing the game, you're met by another kick in the balls as you're granted no starting funds whatsoever. Did you get a really shitty match-up and need to buy something that might help you survive your lane? Tough luck, asshole.

When any given lane progresses further towards the enemy base, the developers (for some god forsaken reason) decided it'd be a really good idea to give the winning team an additional snowballing advantage by allowing them to actively fast-travel using the ziplines riiiight up to the enemy tower. Why? I don't know.

The biggest personal annoyance of mine is how there's several melee/up-in-your-face heroes in this game and no character collision. "What's wrong with that?" I hear you ask. Well! It just so happens that it's a third person game and accordingly, your camera is WAAAAY to the right of your shoulder. This means that someone can step inside of you (or in general be just really close) and you will physically not be able to shoot them. Feel free to test this with a friend. It's retarded.

3. Visuals.
It's America in 1920-1930 except there's gargoyles, giant molerats, high-tech robots, demons, purple elves, sentient goo, 15 flavors of random minorities and a bunch of other shit. It's painfully obvious that this game has a severe identity crisis and it's probably going to get a lot worse in the future.

Purely from a visual perspective, the game looks like shit. Every color is washed out to death except random bits of graffiti that looks like LED's in comparison. Wherever you look up, there's the overbearing shitty ziplines that spiderweb across the town seemingly with no thought put into them as they awkwardly zig and zag around buildings. Any semblance of consistent architecture is thrown out the windows by random statues depicting skeletons with guns, birds, gargoyles, etc. All shadows are vague, blurry smears and the list goes on.

4. Sweet Baby Inc.
Valve are confirmed partners with them and it explains a LOT of the out-of-place character design choices:

You can read as to why that is bad here:

Reviewing Steam Support
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Shitlisting Service reviews
"The purpose of this curation is to inform you of prominent issues before buying into a game. While i write many full-sized proper reviews, it is mostly warnings of titles having bad things in or around them."
Here are a few recent reviews by Shitlisting Service
GTA needs new mods:imperialinquisition:
Same Once the bad MODs come In there.. They stay in GAMEs who sold out it sounds Crazy but VANGUARD and BLACK Rock buy up Games to Control also the Community while making the games more Politically correct (Injecting Politics)..

All in all Just enjoy the Games because more and more different Opinions and facts get Removed / Censored.
Fenrir Warsong 9 Aug @ 11:38am 
Anyone that tells you CP2077 is a GOTY game and CDPR are "the saviors of the gaming industry" is some that eats up the game industry slop day in and day out.

PSA. Don't buy slop, it rots your brain, degrades standards and makes you poorer.
Psychocrat 5 Aug @ 6:39am 
Glad you exist mang. Surprise there ain´t more of you around actually. Given how shit everything is these days, you´d think there´d be more people like you around, especially since i see nobody else doing it.
Really, 2000s era attitude would thrive in these conditions, it´s really such a shame.
Colector de Ban Comunitară 21 Jul @ 3:00am 
Warsaw has also become a purple hair city don't get illusions about it, it isn't as bad as Western europe especially safety-wise but it's a new heaven of cheap wagies for the alphabet gang agenda
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24 November, 2016