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Traders Guild TradersGuild
23 December, 2011
All Discussions > Trade Offers > Topic Details
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
MightyMookie 27 Aug, 2013 @ 10:47am
Middleman Services
Middlemanning is a service devised to prevent scams involving trades outside of the trade window by eliminating the issue of one person going first and putting all of their faith in the other person delivering. It can only be done if there's something to hold onto, like a game gift (holdable) for a game key (unholdable/intangible). So as such no key for keys or any similar intangible to intangible can be helped by definition.

For most trades involving game keys, it is recommended that Teamviewer[] be installed. It is used to confirm that the key is actually activated (the middleman does it) so that the other person cannot lie about it. If you are uncomfortable with this and are aware of the risks otherwise, you may request to not use it. As long as you understand that you become liable for trusting the other person.

The types of trades we can help you with:
  • giftable vs giftable (untradeable gifts)
  • giftable vs tradeable
  • steam wallet vs giftable
  • steam wallet vs tradeable
  • key vs tradeable.

For anything not covered here or that you're unsure of, please request more information from a group officer and we will try to explain or assist you to the best of our ability.

Also note that you should only accept giftable games or keys from people that you trust. We can help get item A over to you and item B over to them safely, but we cannot make the risks of the items themselves go away or a shady person less shady. Should they revoke a payment, it can remove the game from your inventory/library. Never trade with someone you do not trust. Trade smart and trade safe always.

Now with all of that out of the way, it usually is not a problem and 99.99% of the time everyone's happy. :D: You just need to understand what we do, why we do it and what it all means for you. So if you understand and are ready, simply contact one of the available middlemen and get started!

norby89 -
Stas Pwnz -
мα∂∂σg -

Please be courteous and take into consideration if we're in-game or occupied. This service is Completely voluntary, so do not expect us to always say yes.
Last edited by Zyon; 13 Mar, 2017 @ 2:33pm
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Maddog 4 Sep, 2013 @ 3:44am 
I can be middle man, just PM me.
Last edited by Maddog; 4 Sep, 2013 @ 3:44am
gfw2012 26 Sep, 2013 @ 4:36am 
thanks for ~Zero‘s Middleman Service.
Dark5751 18 May, 2017 @ 3:16pm 
Last edited by Dark5751; 18 May, 2017 @ 3:16pm
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All Discussions > Trade Offers > Topic Details