Venom: Codename Outbreak Group VCOG
Venom: Codename Outbreak Group VCOG
2 October, 2010
ABOUT Venom: Codename Outbreak Group

Tactical 3D Action

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Codename: Outbreak (also known as Venom: Codename: Outbreak) is a first-person shooter video game developed by Ukrainian GSC Game World and published by Virgin Interactive. It is set during the early 21st century. Prior to the start of the game, a meteor shower arrives containing a parasitic alien life form that takes control of their hosts. The invasion is fast spreading. The game involves fighting off this alien invasion over 14 different levels.

The single-player campaign is played with a two-person squad, with the player able to switch between the two and give the other orders. This campaign can also be played as 2 player co-op. If playing singly the player can choose who is on the squad, as there is a number of recruits. Each is better in some stat or another so careful choices must be made. If a squad member dies during the campaign, you cannot get them back. They will be marked as KIA for the remainder of the campaign.

The game comes with up to 16-player deathmatch and CTF modes. In most of these gamemodes, weapons and armor are scattered around the map, as is ammo, so the players will be running around greatly to find suitable equipment. Also the first 13 of the game's 14 missions can be played cooperatively. Mission 14 is not available.»

This group is meant to gather all the fans of this great game. You're welcome to join and invite anyone you want. If you'd like to play this game online, post a comment or contact the group members.

In order to host and join games, you may want to use a VPN software such as:
- Tunngle:
- EasyVPN:
- Hamachi:
Demo download on CNet[]
Retrospective on Resolution Magazine[]
lilb 20 Nov, 2019 @ 7:52pm 
♔ JOHNY LUKES CZ ♔ 20 Nov, 2019 @ 4:04am 
Right now i will try if this works on my laptop. if yes i will play trough steam as non steam game in co-op mp ;)
lilb 27 Apr, 2017 @ 8:16am 
EVERYONE! If you get the Creators Update with Windows 10, Outbreak works flawlessly!!!!!! Praise!
lilb 5 Apr, 2016 @ 8:15pm 
Anyone want to play this game soon? I was thinking of getting a few friends and setting up some old XP machines so it could run really nice and have a nice day of playing. Anyone interested is more than happy to join up! I can let this group know in a few months when it'll happen!
JohnnyGuitar101 20 Feb, 2015 @ 1:15pm 
I will be so happy, if Valve would add this game on Steam! That will be so awesome!
Unobtainium235 16 Mar, 2012 @ 7:08am 
I would like to inform you all that I got this game (v1.2) to partly work on my system;
Win.7 64bit 4gb RAM GeForce 8800GTX DX11,
by setting my computer to boot with 2gb RAM instead of 4gb RAM.
I say it partly worked as I could play it without sound with minor graphical errors.
When I got the sound to work, the game only worked in the main-menu etc. before crashing in missions and so on.

I have not had any luck using the Windows Compatibility Administrator program to emulate older systems, less memory etc. I believe a fix could me made by someone skilled enough, though.

That is all.
Enter chat room
2 October, 2010