Accuracy in Betting AcciB
Accuracy in Betting AcciB
8 July, 2015
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Bet Predictions [ 09.07.2015 ]
Match : Mortality vs. Mostly Harmless(MH)
Tournament/League: CEVO Main
Mortality lineup (expected): yaay, shinobi, SicK, PAUL_NEWMAN, vice
MH lineup (expected): Nitro, Vulcanium, d o u b l e, eQuals, cubeeed
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: Mortality 50% - 50% Mostly Harmless
My odds: Mortality 50% - 50% Mostly Harmless
Risk: High
Bet: Skip

Match : Wolve vs. ACGaming
Tournament/League: Mineski The Shootout CS:GO Invitational Series
Wolve lineup (expected): z3r02, temz, kaelgenesis, NeruJ, whome, death
ACGaming lineup (expected): TANKZ, Zak, Dubstep, GAB, Dispenser
Format: Best of 5
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: mirage, overpass

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: Wolve 70% - 30% ACGaming
My odds: Wolve 60% - 40% ACGaming
Risk: Med-High
Bet: Bet low/med on Wolve.

Match : Team SoloMid(TSM) vs. Gamers2(G2)
Tournament/League: Acer Predator Masters powered by Intel
TSM lineup (expected): dupreeh, device, karrigan, Xyp9x, cajunb
G2 lineup (expected): MINISE, MICHU, mouz, innocent, SZPERO
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: TSM 85% - 15% G2
My odds: TSM 60% - 40% G2
Risk: Very High
Bet: Better skip.
*NOTE* :Better skip this match. TSM lost really bad against tier 1 teams ( VP vs TSM 16-4 on dust2 / fnatic vs TSM 16-5 on cache ) and G2 have wins in a row against tier 2/3 teams. Better skip this match because TSM aren't in the best shape and and because ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ odds are very bad. I recommend betting skins on other matches.

Match : Evolution vs. Phenomenon(PH)
Tournament/League: Uprise Champions Cup Season 3
Evolution lineup (expected): fAst, CyberFocus, spaz, uNdo, electronic
PH lineup (expected): Dima, 1uke, krecker, S0tF1k, COLDY
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: Evolution 70% - 30% PH
My odds: Evolution 60% - 40% PH
Risk: Med
Bet: Bet med/high on Evolution

Match : Piter vs. ex-GPlay
Tournament/League: CEVO Professional Season 7
Piter lineup (expected): jmqa, DERZKIY, spiker, waterfaLLZ, facecrack
ex-GPlay lineup (expected): v1c7or, bubble, dream3r, nkl, spyleadeR
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: Piter 35% - 65% ex-GPlay
My odds: Piter 45% - 55% ex-GPlay
Risk: High
Bet: Bet low/med on ex-GPlay

Match : Team Acer(TA) vs. Team SoloMid(TSM)
Tournament/League: Acer Predator Masters powered by Intel
TA lineup (expected): kHRYSTAL, wenton, pauf, BARBARR, schneider
TSM lineup (expected): device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x, cajunb
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: TA 10% - 90% TSM
My odds: TA 25% - 75% TSM
Risk: High-Very High
Bet: Better skip or go low(0.04$ skins) on TA but i don't recommend
*NOTE* : Better skip this match. TSM aren't in the best shape and because ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ odds are very bad and throw potential is very high.

Match : Renassaince vs. Vega Squadron
Tournament/League: Uprise Champions Cup Season 3
Renassaince lineup (expected): Certus, pinch, rommi, fenya, elzr
Vega Squadron lineup (expected): jR, Mir, Keshandr, hutji, norison
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: Renassaince 20% - 80% Vega Squadron
My odds: Renassaince 25% - 75% Vega Squadron
Risk: Med
Bet: Bet med/high on Vega Squadron

Match : dignitas vs. ex-GPlay
Tournament/League: Acer Predator Masters powered by Intel
dignitas lineup (expected): Pimp, aizy, Nico, Kjaerbye, MSL
ex-GPlay lineup (expected): v1c7or, bubble, nkl, dream3r, spyleadeR
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: dignitas 80% - 20% ex-GPlay
My odds: dignitas 60% - 40% ex-GPlay
Risk: Med-High ( High because this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ odds )
Bet: Bet low/med on dignitas
*NOTE* : Don't exclude throw potential!

Match : AGENT vs. Epsilon eSports(Epsilon)
Tournament/League: CEVO Season 7 - Europe: Main Division
AGENT lineup (expected): Cyph, ultra, base, spity, neto
Epsilon lineup (expected): donQ, ALEX, mixwell, arki, SOKER
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: AGENT 23% - 77% Epsilon
My odds: AGENT 15% - 85% Epsilon
Risk: Low-Med
Bet: Bet med/high on Epsilon

Bet Predictions [ 08.07.2015 ]
Match : HellRaisers(HR) vs. Team Acer(TA)
Tournament/League: Acer Predator Masters powered by Intel
HR lineup (expected): ANGE1, kUcheR, AdreN, Dosia, mou.
TA lineup (expected): kHRYSTAL, wenton, slap, schneider, Samzter.
Format: Best of 3
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: N/A

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: HR 65% - 35% TA
My odds: HR 50% - 50% TA
Risk: Very High.
Bet: Bet low on TA or skip.

Match : Team SoloMid(TSM) vs. Virtus.Pro(VP)
Tournament/League: FACEIT League 2015 Stage 2
TSM lineup (expected): device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x, cajunb lineup (expected): Snax, NEO, TaZ, byali, pashaBiceps
Format: Best of 1
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: dust2

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: VP 46% - 54% TSM
My odds: VP 40% - 60% TSM
Risk: High
Bet: Bet med/low on TSM.

Match : Team SoloMid(TSM) vs. fnatic
Tournament/League: FACEIT League 2015 Stage 2
TSM lineup (expected): device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x, cajunb
fnatic lineup (expected): JW, olofmeister, pronax, flusha, KRIMZ
Format: Best of 1
LAN/Online: Online
Maps: cache

..:: Prediction ::..
Lounge odds: TSM 40% - 60% fnatic
My odds: TSM 45% - 55% fnatic
Risk: Med-High
Bet: Bet med/low on fnatic.

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8 July, 2015