Democratic Socialism DemoSoc
Democratic Socialism DemoSoc
12 May, 2015
ABOUT Democratic Socialism

For those who adhere to socialism and believe that the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.

We advocate for the restructuring of society such that its resources and means of production - the factories, machines, workplaces - are owned and democratically controlled by the workers and the communities who rely on them, rather than by private capitalists whose sole quest is profit. We advocate for bottom-up change through grassroots activism and ever-expanding working class unity.

We've assembled a collection of useful videos, important links and other resources below and over in the sidebar. Don't be afraid to use Wikipedia or ask us if you're confused about any terminology.

Racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of being a reactionary asshole will not be tolerated. Healthy political discussion and casual talk is always welcome! And of course, let's play some games.

"I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence."
― Eugene V. Debs

Educational Videos:

Richard Wolff: How Class Works (12 minute video)

Empire Files: Marxism 101 or How Capitalism is Killing Itself with Richard Wolff (35 minute video)

Empire Files: America's Unofficial Religion - The War on an Idea (28 minute video)

Lenin: The State and Revolution[]
/r/Communism (For Serious Discussion)
/r/GenZedong (For informative shitposts)
Dark_x_Angel (Hot-Taken-Female) 24 Oct, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
Male, 25, Washington, D.C. USA. Looking for a 25 year old female gamer to play with and meet in person. If I like you, physically, I will consider a relationship. I'm a total catch and woman beg to be with me. I've had sex with well over 3 woman thus far. I have a well paying consulting job and have a city apartment. Serious inquiries only.
Rocko 6 Nov, 2020 @ 4:00pm 
Pivot to approval voting. This is what ensured such high approval ratings in the socialist people's democracies.
BarterClub 6 Nov, 2020 @ 9:51am 
Rank Choice Voting. We need to push this everywhere. :dslike:
Rocko 6 Jul, 2018 @ 5:41pm 
Revolutionary socialists generally believe that the end goal of socialism is a stateless society, however, the modern state is piloted by the bourgeoisie: the monied capitalist class which owns all the property. Marxist and Leninist theory therefore posits that in order to begin the transition to a socialist society, the state must be siezed from the bourgeoisie by the working class. At first this process is, unfortunately, necessarily authoritarian: the state must force out the power of the capitalist system. However, if it is genuinely piloted in the interest of the working class, in the long term society will be increasingly democratized such that "the state" is merely an interface for the democratic control and ownership of society's resources. Leninist theory posits that, if allowed to develop uncontested in this direction, the society will approach such a democratic form that "the state" as we know it today will cease to be necessary and will naturally "wither away".
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12 May, 2015