Miscreated miscreated
Miscreated miscreated
10 February, 2013
ABOUT Miscreated

Community Group for Miscreated

Miscreated is a Brutal, Post-apocalyptic, Survival-based Multiplayer Online Game using CryENGINE3

Game Website:

Please visit the website for the most up-to-date information and drop by while there and join the forums.

Game Overview:

The year is 2089. The Earth is in ruins from two major nuclear wars. Civilization has collapsed and the majority of mankind has been wiped out. Each day is a struggle to find food and water to live, weapons for defense, and gear to withstand the harsh unforgiving wasteland that was once earth. The city centers and areas once called home and work are now populated by grotesque mutated humans, minds rotten from radiation and sickness. Bandits fight for control of what’s left, executing everyone they come across or using them for slave labor and food. This is the world as it exists today, there is no law. Kill or be killed. Survive or Die.

Introductory Story:

Nobody knows what started the Final War — it was over too fast, fought with the last of the belligerent nations’ nuclear stockpiles, and the ones who pulled the triggers didn’t survive. It was the Final War because after that there was really nobody left who wanted to fight; we were all too busy surviving. Half a century of wars using nukes, bioweapons, nanoweapons, and even kinetic-kill weapons, gave us the Empty World: population 100 million and falling fast.

Who’s to blame? Depends on who you are, but you could just as easily blame the weapons industry; by the end, virtually every arms dealer in the world was owned by Amalgamated Corporation; while everyone was fighting they’d been buying up what Karl Marx used to call “the means of production,” and in the end missiles on both sides proudly wore the AC label.

Hell, in the end AC made just about everything, AC Sportsdrinks, AC Icecream, AC Battlegear, even AC Happytabs. I miss those. AC even gave us our wonderful mutant problem; the “vaccine” they developed when radiation sickness became as common as seasonal pneumonia from all those dirty battlefields — all the weapons-grade isotopes getting into the water table, or the fish, or the air — reacted with some of the leftover bioweapons and made lots of people go as squirrely as tab-pumped cannibals. You can ignore a neighbor developing neo-elephantitis or novuleprosy, but when he tries to eat you, you’ve got to take an interest.

So that’s it, we’re done, civilization is taking a breather. In 2089, anyone left alive and unmutated is just focused on staying that way. There are stories of enclaves here and there, where they’re lucky enough to have plenty of food stockpiled and mutants are thin on the ground or there’s lots of ammunition to throw at them. My advice is find one. Or make one. The Earth abides, all this too shall pass away, and if Darwin blesses you then you or your kids will inherit what’s left. For now, it’s one day at a time.

Miscreated 10/28/2014 Update
Stream on 10/25/2014 now on YouTube.
John Ross [NES] 30 Dec, 2024 @ 7:44am 
Buenas, soy del CLAN de ARMA 3 NavyEspSeals, Clan que se dedica a hacer simulacion militar al maximo realismo de los grupos de operaciones especiales de la Armada EEUU los Navy SEAls.

Tanto nuestros usuarios como administradores son gente con muchisima experiencia tanto militar como policial en la vida real, que te ayudarán e instruirán desde cero para que puedas actuar y simular como un verdadero soldado, ademas de hacer milsim tenemos un equipo profesional que se dedica a competir en los campeonatos de ARMA 3 mas importantes a nivel nacional e internacional.

Disponemos de varios servidores abiertos 24/7 aparte de días y horarios de instrucción para que puedas formarte como soldado.

Si te gusta la seriedad, el
Respeto, el compañerismo y meterte en la piel de un soldado este es tu sitio, UUUAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!



Pagina Web:
_Dcer_ 25 Dec, 2024 @ 8:59am 
new eu/ fr server very nice admin he look 4 more people and he bann all cheaters and no multi acc are allowed a little more weight for carrie but until this its vanilla
join us FR/EU - Official Miscreated -Vanilla - The Last Survivor

go people <3
_Dcer_ 22 May, 2024 @ 12:39pm 
hello my friends!

there is a new server online in miscreadet with many good players with admin who do from time to time events and a discort

no cheaters

vanilla+ server

join miscreated america vanilla+ mod

hope we see us there! make the server more full and let the little playerbase who is not cheating and still love that game together play.

1 Oct, 2023 @ 11:31pm 
Wonder what was name of this group when you created it cause sure as hell didnt join here lol.
Ykm Ghost 11 Sep, 2021 @ 6:19pm 
love this game been playing since 14' wish it would thrive and get the promotions it deserves!
HunterKiller 17 Apr, 2021 @ 10:42am 
Kill_Switch. What'd really messed up is, the fast travel was FREE! Now they charge you a price for it and you don't get squat from the items you sell at all.

I give you this bicycle, 2 months later I want you to pay for it.
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10 February, 2013