22 June, 2013
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 

In-game MOTD advertising that's more rewarding and has a better experience

Made by one dedicated game player, MOTDgd is set out to be a fairly customisable and rewarding asset to community owners with one or more gameservers. Unlike some, we realise that servers aren’t objects that grow on trees, we realise they cost money, so we’re here to try and help offset that.

We support Garry's Mod (LUA plugin), and some other Source engine based games (Sourcemod plugin).

Why choose us?
- Our advertising is more focused towards young people and gamers.
- We use our own ad server technology, not LiveRail or a third party solution. We also dynamically prioritise our ad sources in each geographical region in real-time, therefore serving the best choice to the person requesting an advertisement at that time.
- Members can request early payment (paid by next day), subject to us having available funds and certain criteria.
- We offer competitive CPM rates for popular countries, such as the USA, Canada and United Kingdom. We also serve some regions which are generally undesirable to common advertisers, such as Russia (which is averaging at $2.30 CPM).
- We offer statistics in near real-time and closely monitor for unusual activity.
- We tend to show advertisements which are more relevant to a young audience, or gamers in general.
- We have a referral scheme which currently offers 10% of what the referred user earns, excluding their referral earnings.
- We have a clean interface and MOTD advertisement page, we intend to follow the K.I.S.S rule (keep it simple stupid).
- MOTDgd is run by a gamer, developed by a gamer, made for other gamers.

So, what are you waiting for? Apply now if you're a community owner that runs Source gameservers such as Team Fortress 2, or if you wish to earn from our referral scheme!

MOTDgd - The next best thing in MOTD advertising in-game![]
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Sourcemod Plugin Update
* Fixed 'sm_motdgd_reminder' CVAR from being read incorrectly by the plugin (was reading as seconds instead of minutes) The following changes were contributed by Glubbable: * Converted plugin code to use new syntax * Fixed EasyHTTP tag mismatches * Fixed an issue with the plugin loading with cURL * Advertisements will no longer be sent to clients with a non-HTML MOTD

The latest plugin can be found on our GitHub which is linked on the first post in the plugin thread URL above.

With Christmas approaching we also hope that everyone has a nice Christmas and a happy new year!

Sourcemod Plugin Update 3.0.1
Version 3.0.1 - 2018/08/09 * Fixed an issue with configured 'rewards' duplicating on map change

WeaseL 22 Sep, 2023 @ 1:28am 
I haven't received any payment for a while and their website also doesn't update anymore.
Looks like MOTDgd is dead. No response on tickets for months.
Dr. BenModz | 28 Jan, 2023 @ 6:46pm 
Hi Ix, I've sent you a friend request and I'd be grateful if you could accept it. I want to talk to you about problems I've been having with using the MOTDgd plugin on Garry's Mod. Thanks!
Ixel 24 Jan, 2023 @ 3:07am 
Hi Lune,
Can you be more specific? What error message are you getting?
Bredzio 22 Jan, 2023 @ 11:08am 
I cant register on website
Ixel 28 Oct, 2022 @ 8:03am 
I've sent you a message asking for the user ID again, you contacted us earlier this year but didn't follow up again after we intervened.

Once I have your user ID again I will be able to get this looked into. Sorry for the inconvenience.
svr autorejoin up|Ramen 27 Oct, 2022 @ 6:49pm 
I HAVE NOT gotten payment since DEC 13 of LAST year. and already contacted about this but still do not have it,after being told I would get it. Ive been running ads all this time but im not getting paid..what is going on?? Why is my money being taken from me? Ive used you guys for years but at this point im just giving you guys free rev and my money is being taken from me. I originally thought this was only for a few months but its been almost an entire year. What is going on?!?!
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