Rocket League! RL GLHF
Rocket League! RL GLHF
26 February, 2014
ABOUT Rocket League!

Nice One!

🚀Welcome to the first ever Rocket League group made on steam by it's community! (2015)🚀

😎You can share here your love for Rocket League with us, trade with others and have a chatting with your (possibly) next duos partner!

⚠We have no relation with the official psyonix team, but we think that sharing the official links is the way, so feel free to check their official eSports page and channels on the links below:

Official Rocket League eSports Website[]
Official Rocket League eSports YT
Official Rocket League Twitter
Season 7: Changes Coming To Custom Training
With Season 7, we are changing up how you can navigate and progress through training packs:

Choose Your Path: Progress on packs no longer requires you to complete shots in a specific order. You’ll be able to jump around from shot to shot, and complete a pack however you see fit. Is that third shot giving you trouble? Skip over to the fourth shot, and circle back later. (We’ll explain more about this below.)

What a Save! We’re adding training pack progress to save data, so you can work on as many shots and as many packs as you want. Make some progress, take a break, and come back later without having to restart packs from zero.

Reset Button: Completed a pack that you want to take a fresh look at? No problem. Hit Pause, and you can reset progress on any training pack you’ve started or completed.

We’ve taken note of what players want (especially those on PC), so we’re bringing a bunch of shot navigation changes into Rocket League. Controls for everything below will appear below the progress bar.

Next and Previous Shot: You can now move freely between shots in a training pack – no need to complete them in a specific order.

Select Shot:
A simple press and hold will bring up a new drop-down menu that allows you to freely pick which shot in the pack you want to practice.

Shuffle Shots: Want to mix it up? Hit the Shuffle Shots button to randomize the shot order.

Shot Mirroring: With the press of a button, you can mirror a shot to the opposite side of an arena. Working on weak side strikes and saves has never been easier. Mirroring works on all Arenas available in Custom Training. This may not always be the case when new Arenas are introduced in the future, depending on shape, size, and other factors.

With all the new functionality, we’ve made a few adjustments to the menus and interfaces tied into Custom Training:

History Repeats Itself: In the Custom Training menu, a new “History” tab has been added next to the “Created” tab. We’ve had the functionality for the History tab turned on in the background for some time now, so your recent training pack history should be populated as soon as your game client is updated. You can also add any packs in the History tab to your favorites list.

Pause Menu Changes: From here, you can reset progress on a training pack, and you can also hit “End Training” to see the progress made on the pack.

End Training: From here, you can jump back into the pack, change to a different game mode, change the training pack, or go back to the main menu.

Finally, two really important reminders:

  • With new functionality comes new controls! Want to change up the inputs for Shuffle Shots, Mirroring, and beyond?
    • Load into a Custom Training pack

    • Go to Settings -> Controls -> View/Change Bindings
    • Scroll to the very bottom, and you will see the new inputs right below controls for Knockout
  • Have you created Custom Training packs in Rocket League? No need to worry! All existing packs can take advantage of all the new controls and changes, no adjustments necessary.

Yakety Yak, Voice Chat is Back!

No matter how good your mechanical skill level, solid teamwork is essential. The ability to talk with your teammates offers the chance to coordinate powerful offensive attacks and celebrate insane plays with your team. Communication remains key all the way up to the pro level, with Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) teams developing their own extensive comms strategies.

Now with a new system behind the scenes, Rocket League players will once again be able to join Team and Party voice chat channels with ease. It’s the glorious return of Voice Chat!

Voice Chat is enabled by default, so players will only need to plug in a headset to be ready to chat! Players will see all available Voice Channels from the new Voice Chat tab in the Friends List. From here players can Join, Switch or Leave channels from the Main Menu or in-match from the Pause menu. Not everyone plays Rocket League the same way, so we’re offering options to fine-tune your Voice Chat experience. Players will be able to customize their options in the Settings Menu.

Party Chat - The perfect way to talk with friends! Players with Voice Chat enabled will enter the Party Voice Channel when they create or join a Party. Players will be able to communicate both in and out of matches as the connection persists between games.

Team Chat - For those who want to talk with their team! Players with Voice Chat enabled will enter the Team Voice Channel when they join a team in a match. This connection will end automatically as the game finishes, then begin anew when you join a new match.

Voice Input/Output - These device options are available on PC and let players change audio sources easily whether you’re rocking the streamer mic or the controller headset.

Voice Chat Method - Open Mic is the default Voice Chat setting so that players do not need to press unnecessary buttons when trying to communicate when hitting those double flip resets. Players who prefer to use Push-to-Talk can enable that in the Settings menu. These players will need to bind the PTT button to something that suits them from the Controls tab.

Mute - We also know everyone uses Voice Chat in different ways, so Players will also be able to Mute individuals in their Voice Channel. This can be done by selecting their names in the Voice Chat tab and choosing Mute.

When active in a Voice Channel, Players will appear on the Voice Chat tab in one of the following states:

Speaking - This state is displayed by a green speaker icon when a player is actively speaking.

Muted Mic - This state is displayed by a speaker with an X beside it when you have muted a player, or the player does not have a valid speaking device.

:rlgizmo:Voice Chat update went live on May 9 at 4 pm PDT (11 pm UTC). Good luck, have fun, and be nice!:rloctane:

Ixhorb 13 Feb @ 8:15am 
♡ Kylie ♡ 10 Jan @ 11:31am 
Time to send cash for my feet footboys, on the double now, hurry up *snap* *snap* >:D
♡ Kylie ♡ 3 Aug, 2024 @ 3:18am 
Time to send for my feet footboys, on the double now, hurry up *snap* *snap* >:D
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 512GB 29 Jul, 2024 @ 2:08am 
Dear Sir,

I am troubled by current Rocket League situation, that is why I started a petition to bring back old Rocket League. I strongly think, that we can make a difference together. Petition created on popular “” site. If you agree and feel like it – please sign and spread it across your platforms, so many more people can sign it.

Link for the petition below, it can be searched on “” by the name: Make Rocket League Fun Again.

Best regards,

SafeAndSound_ aka groomek_
♡ Kylie ♡ 1 Jul, 2024 @ 8:17am 
Time to send for my feet footboys, on the double now, hurry up *snap* *snap* >:D

walkerr. 10 Jun, 2024 @ 4:50pm 
Add me on steam, I am gc 1 (and was 1 game off gc2 last season)
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26 February, 2014