rotnflesh rotnflesh
rotnflesh rotnflesh
16 April, 2018
ABOUT rotnflesh

Cool players just enjoying the game... and RULES !

DO NOT build within 250m OF TOWN, CITY OR POI, TRADERS, LCB size is 41, thats 20m on each side of the block. If you are not sure if you are good, ask admin through chat (better safe than sorry).

We reset region files here, meaning, regions go back to day 1 - everything back to day 1 - cars, trees, lot, buildings, etc...if no LCB at your base, it may be wiped.

PLAYERS NEED TO USE LAND CLAIM BLOCK ! If you don't and you get raided, we are not responsible to replace items missing.

No player is allowed to take over a base, expired or not - not allowed to explore BASE without permission - BAN - no discussion!

We "repaint" the map - meaning - we RESET the regions - it makes the regions back to day 1 - everything comes back - cars, trees, buildings, etc - if you are near/in that region and do not use a LCB - it may wipe your base out.

If you are gone for more than 14 days of no game play time in real life, past the LCB claim duration, your LCB WILL BE EXPIRED, expired LCB means base wiped.
NO glitches, NO cheats. Automatic ban if suspected. Suspected is also a reason to ban.

DO NOT DESTROY anything that gives loot. This includes cash registers, file cabinets, garbage cans, book shelves, desks, etc. ONLY CARS may be destroyed. Unless on your property in a allowed area.

DO NOT DESTROY Buildings, or Stay in Town/City/Poi on Horde Night! GO to /safehouse or friends if invited or an empty area or log out till done.
Be respectful to one another. This is PVE - build near each other only if it's agreeded upon by "all" parties, or move along. It is best to build at least 500m from another base. If there is a feud of land, we will ask last player to move, or we will just wipe the base. No discussion.

LOVE the server or just WANT something? How about donating? We have different Donor Packages, check under Server Info on Discord for complete info.

We have Discord, link is in the /safehouse in game, also a live map link in /safehouse also.

VISIT /safehouse to read most rules on the walls. No excuse for new players. If unsure, ask, or may be kicked / banned.

Yet at least, when ADMIN is CHATTING TO YOU, please respond. It may be important.

Thank you, from admins.
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16 April, 2018