vVv Gaming vVv
vVv Gaming vVv
15 May, 2009
United States 
ABOUT vVv Gaming

vVv Gaming

vVv Gaming is a competitive video game organization with a dynamic and vibrant community. Top players and upcoming talent from numerous video games flock to vVv to have an experience best summed up by our motto:
Entertain. Educate. Dominate.

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Rocket League Community Game Nights
When does the event start?
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 PM EST

Can I join you all in-game?
Yes you can!
Join us on Mumble 10 minutes before the event starts. We'll get you in a game asap!
Don't have mumble? (Click here to learn how to setup Mumble)[]

What are these community game nights about?

Our weekly Rocket League Community Game Nights are going to be changing and adapting over time to improve the event and the experience that we all get through it. Last couple of events we organized in house tournaments and they were a lot of fun. We have played 2vs2 tournaments with double elimination bracket. Needles to say, we want to do it again, however we also want to improve the event.

One of the feedbacks we have received that we believe will have a major role in shaping this event is who we get to play with. Majority of the people that I have gathered this feedback from wanted to be able to pick their own partners for several reasons. Some of the being is that the event will be more competitive. It will allow you to build up team work, it will allow you to improve your game by being able to understand how your team will play and what you are expected to do in return. As such this is what we will experiment with over the next week.

On Tuesday night you can show up for the event with a pre-made team. This will be a 3vs3 in-house tournament double elimination style. Should you not have a team, you should still come for the event, among the players that do not have a pre-made team, they will be able to form a team on the spot and play together. This is a good opportunity to meet some new people and who knows, you might even like them enough to play with them again at the next event!

Having said all that, there will be no sign ups ahead. This event is going to grow over time and improve but I do not wish to make too many changes at once and risk losing the fun aspect. We will take it slow with a change at a time and see how it works out for us and whether we like the change or not. If you have any feedback you wish to provide to me or have any suggestions you wish to make, please reach out to me via these forums in a private pm and I will ensure to take all your feedback into consideration.

Too long; didn't read:
  • You can bring your friends at next event and be on the same team.
  • If you don't have a team you will form a team at the event.
  • Bring your friends, we want to grow this event!
  • If you have feedback, please let us know and lets work on improving the event together!
  • Game modes will depend on the number of people that show up.
  • Everyone is welcome.

vVv Gaming presents the League of Legends Amateur Draft League
Season 6 of the League of Legends Amateur Draft League!

Why hello there! We’re super excited to be bringing you the Sixth Season of our Amateur Draft League! Last season we have had some intense matches, especially with Riot releasing so many key patches and meta-shifting reworks to the Fields of Justice. We also introduced our ADL Look Up page[], so you could keep track of your stats to make sure you're consistently beating out and rising above the competition. Other small (but pretty awesome) things that were introduced were our Theme Nights and the EPIC Trash Talk Thread[]! Even though Season 5 was a great ride for many (especially vVv ShySlushy and Sun Down...), and not so great for very few (looking at all the Shaco bans, Joxn!), we're keeping our eyes forward to bring you an even better Sixth Season!

When is the ADL?

The ADL will now be every Sunday and Friday at 9pm EST (6pm PST), starting on July 26th and will continue to September 20th.

How to participate:
  1. Join our mumble server (How to Setup Mumble)[] and hop in the "League of Legends" -> "ADL" channel.
  2. Make sure you join the "vVv ADL" channel in the LoL Game Client AT OR BEFORE THE START TIME.
  3. Once on Mumble, all participants should edit their Mumble comment to include the soloqueue rank of their highest ranked account, In-Game Name, and their preferred roles (Top, Mid, Jungle, ADC, Support).
    This can be done by right clicking on your name and going to "Change Comment".
THAT'S IT! Hang out and wait for a staff member's instruction.


You can find all the rules and more info here: ADL Rules[]

Coins 7 Nov, 2015 @ 2:23am 
Looking for a group around LE-LEM ish to play comp with. Only been playing 2ish weeks DMG and I play consistantly. I have 1-2 other people. (CSGO)
MF_Smoker™ 13 Aug, 2015 @ 1:27am 
5 Free keys to the next 5 people who add me!!!!!
Need them to review my game i made so i can pass my university degree.
cocoquila 13 Mar, 2015 @ 6:23pm 
Itvara 17 Dec, 2014 @ 7:22pm 
Anyone wanna play CS:GO or Dota 2?:elrath:
SennaBlanc 29 Jul, 2014 @ 10:15am 
hey oh! LET'S GO!
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15 May, 2009
United States