2 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs last two weeks / 2,407.3 hrs on record (569.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Mar, 2018 @ 10:19am

I purchased this game all the way back when it was still in the legacy branch. I had a computer that could run it at... Maybe?! 45 fps, which whilst not trash, it's rather meh. I put in maybe 80-100 hrs before quitting it and came back on the same potato laptop when it first came out of legacy, ran it at a max of 16fps and quit it INSTANTLY.

Flash forward to 2017 when I got my first pc that could actually run anything.
I forgot this game existed, as I was completely overtaken by my present love for CS, Overwatch and R6. And then discovered this game again maybe Sept 2017, played it a bit but couldn't find any friends to play with me often enough, until mid Jan 18 when my old school mate and I decided to start playing a solo duo trio server together, having an immense amount of fun and making another friend that would soon join us for all the weekly wipes I've been logging around 80hrs a fortnight on average, waaaaaaaay too much in my opinion, but when you launch up the game, it acts like a vacuum and sucks away countless hours and suddenly it's 5 in the morning and you're writing a review for rust
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