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Posted: 8 Jan, 2016 @ 6:50pm
Updated: 4 Sep, 2020 @ 6:24pm

Just got into it, so far its a lot of things and all of it good. I want to be critical but I can't find anything in particular that makes this a not recommended in the least.

The Music is fine, it's no where near as grandiouse as Smash Bros. The Announcer is okay, again no where near as grand standing as Melee's.

Where it does shine is the online, character balance and yea game play.

This is everything done right that Brawl did wrong but it's just missing that wackyness that Melee had with items on. The game is easy as hell to pick up but clearly has a lot of depth. It can like any party game turn into a cluster puck of colors when things get hectic and as a Melee player I have to train my self off my habits when trying to recover but so far this is a solid game.

The online had 0 lag for me, as in my brain didn't even pick up any delay in my attacks, that to me makes this amazing and a feat for any online fighting game, especially a party one like this. The art work takes a little getting used to, its simple which is fine, but a bit too simple in places.

Thee cash shop is entirely about cosmetics, if you've played league it's basically like that except its easier to earn your champions if you keep winning. Seriously win bout 8 games back to back and you can unlock a champion.

In the end this is one of my first solid recommends with no reservations about anything.
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