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Posted: 2 Jul, 2019 @ 2:38pm
Product received for free

Great and fun game to play with friends on any mission and fits every playstyle from being the loud brute force player
to being the patient and quiet player. it is also very frugal in the sense that it has a wide variety of heists ranging from go bank which takes minimum of 10 minutes to overdrill which takes an hour plus, either way they both have their up and downs that makes every time you play refreshing and fun. With all of its pros there are always cons and one of which is the desync and latency issues which have been plaguing the game for years. Usually each game ends up with the host being the one doing the heist while everyone else tend to be the bag carriers because of how risky it is to be the guests when in stealth and if you don't agree just judge launch a gaurd and have the host answer the pager same time as you and in most cases the host is on the other side of the room answering the pager while you are on the other answering that same pager., and to pour gasoline on the already scorching fire that is desync, the team instead of reworking the servers and stealth mechanics, then work on loud gameplay mechanics and decks than they do for stealth. When you look at the perk decks there is always an addition of loud and rarely stealth, and when they do add a stealth perk deck, no one tends to use it and would much rather run burglar; but with that i still look forward to playing this game with all its faults
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