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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,165.1 hrs on record (1,153.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Jan, 2017 @ 4:24pm
Updated: 20 Jan, 2017 @ 10:58pm
Product received for free

This used to be a positive review before the "Infinity update". I have less faith in devs as of right now.

Replayability : 2/10
Events every month : 9/10
Dev's interaction with players : 1/10
Real F2P aspect : 6/10
Inevntory management : 3/10
Game's future : 2/10
Talent update : 7/10

Replayability : There was a Movement nerf included in the so called "biggest update ever". This has made the game slower and time consuming.

Events every month : Events are still good so far, except sometimes they don't turn on some features of events for example, Limbo event (no limbo enemies in midtown).

Dev's interaction with players : There have been so many threads about negative response about Movement nerf and Omega system to Infinity system change, still devs released the update in live client without any changes. And they still say "we listen to our player's feedback"....

Real F2P aspect : Right now you can get 1 extra default costume everytime you prestige and use 3 of those costumes in blender to get a random costume from store. In the upcoming update free costumes from prestige will be removed, and the only way to buy costumes will be from store/real money.
Also They have removed Eternity Splinter boxes from story rewards, so theres literally no sense in doing story over and over while prestiging. Eternity Splinter droprate in patrols seems to be higher than before 'for now'.

Inventory management : Stash....ah the real money maker for devs. can you buy it with ingame currency you ask? yes but whats the price? 600 splinters.. bruh

Game's future : This game is going to die soon, if they keep rolling out this kind of updates / "nerfs".
The Infinity System which was added in place by removing the balanced and interesting Omega system is a degrade. Infinity system is like 6 year old's homework, way too casual and not interesting at all.

Talent update : Talent update is okay, but there are so many talents left useless cause they are in same talent tree. I never liked power points system so this was a good addition but still need some tweaking.

TLDR : Game is playable but not enjoyable, Devs want to milk money now from PC players for console release.

Overall rating for this game is now : 4 / 10
which was 8 / 10 before this update.
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don shoki 5 Feb, 2018 @ 4:14am 