21 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 418.1 hrs on record (68.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Jul, 2019 @ 7:03am
Updated: 1 Apr, 2020 @ 3:28am

Early Access Review
Risk of Rain 2 was an impulse purchase for me. A few of my friends described the game to me when it first appeared on steam and I just sorta... bought it. I had heard of the first game but never played it. I had no expectations, no idea what I was getting myself into.

Boy do I not regret it.

I've never been one for roguelike games but Risk of Rain 2 just hits the spot. It's a fantastic experience whether you tackle the elements alone or you conquer them with 3 others (highly recommended). The environments are beautifully designed, the music makes me wanna buy an official soundtrack and the gameplay itself is addictive and punishing if you choose to play on the hardest difficulty. I've been blown away by how progression works in the game. The madness of being able to stack the effects of the items you collect means your character can become near-godlike. It also means no two runs will be the same. One run, you'll be stacking damage items and you'll destroy enemies in a few hits, in another run you'll be jumping in midair multiple times and running across the map in seconds.

There aren't many games where I don't have to hesitate and ask myself "do I really wanna play this right now?"
Risk of Rain 2 keeps me wanting more after each run. I can go further. Faster. I can do better. I need to go AGAIN.

EDIT// Artifacts just released and they change the entire game up. Wanna do insane damage but have to worry about dying to someone sneezing on you? Get that glass right up ya.
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