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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 38.8 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Nov, 2019 @ 6:48pm

This was my GOTY 2019 for a couple of reasons. Honestly, there's not much to say that hasn't been said already about it, it is definitely Devil May Cry, back at its best, I'd even go as far as to say this is THE BEST dmc game ever made (ask me that in about 10 years from now, we'll see). Got my hopes up for more like this, definitely a great purchase, and an amazing game.

Oh? reviewing, right... So, gameplay, hack'n'slash done right, Every Combo is really satisfying, although i would say you get SSS ranks really easily this time around (V is the SSS mash buttons to win character for sure)

Music is really awesome as well. At first i was kinda distracted by the main song being a bit different, but it fits so well, and it's so good, it's on my playlist for when I go out to jog!

Graphics are RE Engine, very lifelike, pretty colors but kinda dark. Sets a good tone for the story and its characters.

And characters? Well, Deadweight Nero is back, and more badass than ever! V is a solid new addition, sometimes almost comical how much goth he is, kinda reminds me of the goth kids in South Park. Don't really need to talk about Dante, right? Main man of the franchise, he's the same good OLD Dante, in every way of the word, really. he's really old now.

Not much downsides I can see here if i'm honest, you'll want a nice pc to run this game to its perfection, Combos are easier to pull off, I guess hardcore fans may not like that ? I really don't remember playing this and going:: "that really sucks" at any point in the game.

I highly recommend this game, even for newcomers of the series, cause why not! i'm just really happy for Devil May Cry to be back and better than ever.
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Au 29 Nov, 2019 @ 10:18pm 
Thanks for the review.
Challenger M 27 Nov, 2019 @ 9:39pm 
I wouldn't say boring, it's by far the easiest character to play as. i really wasn't a fan but he did grow on me after a while, got me a couple times laughing, especially after that particular reveal at the end. Just makes it even more amusing that he's so goth :dmc5_red_orb: I would agree about dmc3, but i did play ALL games (yes, even dmc2) before dmc5 released, and yeah, even though dmc3 is STILL amazing ...dmc 5 does have its number. it's a very close call though ngl :DMCMarionette1:
Spectrum Legacy 27 Nov, 2019 @ 8:25am 
Did you like V? I honestly found him boring to play... Best DMC imo is the third one SE, but this one is not bad either. This one is defo better than 4 or 2 though!