Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Welcome to the screenshot profile, also whatever you're thinking...

No you

I review one game every 10 games I own and 1 for everyone 1000 screenshots (coming soon) , think of it as a thanks for steam for this service as well as helping friends to have an idea what a game I've played is.

Also if you're weird read below,

People, characters or stories by the 'list' of names below that, you could say, helped mold me as a person:

Harlan Ellison --- American writer --- (1934 – 2018)

"Most fiction says you may or may not be alive tomorrow; science fiction talks often about the future."
Queen --- English Rock Band --- (1971-1991)

"When I'm dead, I want to be remembered as a musician of some worth and substance."
Freddie Mercury

"Arguments are healthy. They clear the air."
John Deacon

"Once a musician, always a musician."
Roger Taylor

>Mike Grose

>Would write more here but there's a character limit (heh get it, characters)

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For updates on games I have streamed, planning to stream and links to my platforms I use for my communities click on the link below: DISCONTINUED


Add me on Xbox by the tag CidDaBird send in a message about who you are before you add me or your friend request will be deleted


That's it, go away.
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Surprise surprise undead are op
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Cyberpunk 2077
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Evidence of The Sweetheart Slayer
Hey friends/others, it might be awhile
My computer has passed away after 6 years of hard use. I'm not sure when I will be back here since it is still hard to adjust back to not having it.

I will still be active even though I can't play the games I have on a PC (you might see me online because of my SD) but in the upcoming months I will consider new games to review as well as new experiences to share with you. I hope you and yours are well. Don't be a stranger. Say hello once and a blue moon.
Review Showcase
77 Hours played
Review for Steam Deck Users and friends:

Having a lot of fun with Palworld. Its a buggy mess and crashes every time I play it more or less, in a hour of playtime but when it does work, it's very, very mechanically sound and fun.

Palworld reminds me of Ark with the dinosaurs and I didn't care for that kind grind. The good news is in Palworld, the grind is optional for the casual and there is a challenging game for the hardcore gamers out there looking for it.

Character customization is pretty bare bones but that really is the only issue I felt before the crashes. When you make your world there are plenty of ways to tweak your experience playing. Pal spawns for example, I left on default and there was always something to catch on screen. I turned on max experience making my world and I was max character level at sixty nine in-game days over three sessions of roughly eight hours each. Over that course of time I died twice on default Hard, now just trying to catch the rest of the Pals and dipping into breeding them.


The rumors are this is Pokemon with guns, as much as I would love Nintendo to do this (for example the Pokemon Wars that are mentioned by Serge in gen one) it is not the case in Palworld at all.

I've easily played over five thousand hours of Pokemon over the years and even comparing the newer games to this, there is some questionable design but nothing in my eyes that should be a problem to those that are complaining to Nintendo over these few examples of quote-on-quote "plagiarism".

Its hard not to look at this clown fiesta on twitter and I noticed Nintendo/Pokemon Company made a statement over alleged infringement which is crazy.

Yes, you throw ~Palballs to catch Pals and then train and breed them with a odd system that give you eggs but these are the only mechanics that are similar but everything else with examples: There aren't any gym badges to collect, only can have five Pals in your party instead of seven, butchering Pals for crafting and food which I have never seen other then the slowpoke tails in gen two which you could only buy; not take them yourself from slowpokes, the ui and more could be stated, but as seen they're very different games.

This is a rough draft and I'll write more then a stream of conscience in the future, very fun. Its still in SUPER early alpha, expect bugs not mentioned here and I'll try it on a PC when I get the chance. This review is based on patch!

(( EA Recommended ))
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CidDaBird 19 Jan @ 10:00am 
You know, we all have self doubt sometimes
Fattest_Llama 13 Jan @ 4:39pm 
Should've believed in the jumping no scope smh
CidDaBird 24 Jun, 2024 @ 10:57am 
Next week will be a new chapter of my life, everyone that I'm friends with now. I won't forget.
CidDaBird 12 Mar, 2024 @ 7:00pm 
Akira Toriyama, you will be missed.
CidDaBird 4 Sep, 2023 @ 9:36am 
Rip Steve Harwell, Shrek would of never been the same without you
Soda☦ 25 Aug, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
+rep nice player