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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 183.7 hrs on record (31.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Dec, 2020 @ 9:38am

Suzerain is utterly unprecedented: a biting, interactive political epic spanning the first term of Anton Rayne, the 3rd President of the Republic of Sordland. Throughout Suzerain, President Rayne puts the values of his upbringing to the test as he is thrust into resurrecting a country precariously balancing myriad struggles; an economy in shambles, a country isolated from its neighbors, and internal rumbles of nationalist, communist, and separatist violence are just the tip of the iceberg.

Suzerain is ambitious not only in scale and philosophy, but in its attempt to account for nearly the entire spectrum of political ideology. What Suzerain has accomplished, which other entries in this genre have failed in, is in successfully, convincingly concluding the story – but even that is an understatement. No matter how you choose to play, you are faced with navigating the well-studied social forces of your intentions. ALL play styles are treated with respect throughout the story and so, at the end of the game, you genuinely experience the consequences built up during the life of Anton Rayne.

Wrapping up a story of this scale with one linear ending (with the flair of user decisions peppered within), would have been a feat in itself, but with a script of 500,000 words and over a dozen endings and sub-endings, Suzerain has confidently positioned itself as the DEFINITIVE experience for geopolitics, domestic politics, and class politics.

If you are looking for a groundbreaking political experience — do not sleep on Suzerain.
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