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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 289.0 hrs on record (38.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jun, 2022 @ 12:43pm
Updated: 29 Jul, 2022 @ 7:24am

In typical Sniper Elite fashion, you kill Nazis. Who wouldn't want to do that irl too? :D
Meaty and crunchy Bullet Time Killcam. Multiplayer has some nice maps, Survival is quite nice to cheese sometimes (if the enemies play along).
Campaign is a bit bugged, I can't Exfiltrate the War Factory (Mission 4), so for now I gotta stick to the other modes.
Speaking of other Modes, Invasion! Pretty cool to be able to invade other players' campaign. It becomes a game of cat and mouse, having to play as a German Sniper Jäger to hunt down the Protagonist.

Originally posted 2022-06-03.
Update on 2022-07-29:
After having played the game for the over two months its been out now and getting over 200 hours, here's an update.

It's still fun. The Campaign looses a bit of replayability, especially because your Level is capped at 40. You just don't progress any further than that. Would have loved to have infinite levels, or at least several hundreds. As it is now, someone with Lv 40 could have just reached it, or been there for months. There is no way to gauge how long someone played the game from this.

Loads of bugs have been squashed by the devs. What I mentioned with Exfiltrating on Mission 4 (War Factory) has been fixed, and more recently you could actually get the No Stone Unturned achievement for completing all optional objectives (16 total across 8 missions).

The Axis Invasion is an absolute blast. As the invader you can infiltrate another players Campaign as a German Soldier and your goal is to sabotage Karl by killing him. Rebellion have nerfed the Invader quite a lot with the two recent updates (early July and a few days ago). First reduced the Invaders health pool from 125 to 100 HP and adjusted Grenades and Teller Mines from 2 to 1 each. More recently they've silently removed additional Ammo types (sub-sonic, armor-piercing, soft-point). The Karls that were complaining about it got what they wanted (I guess?), even though that Karl has all the advantages that you could wish for. 150 HP, replenishable ammo, different types thereof, literal wallhacks ("Focus"), more Traps. Despite this I already got over 300 kills as the Invader 🙃

If you've played Sniper Elite 4 before, this game might be a bit of a disappointment. If this is your first entry into the series, go for it. You'll enjoy it.
With all that said, I've played SE3 and SE4 before, and I really like SE5. Despite its shortcomings.
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