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Posted: 16 Jan, 2014 @ 6:13am
Updated: 16 Jul, 2019 @ 2:00pm

While I love the Arma series, this game was not was I was expecting. When you make a game, you have a couple things that need to be set up to make it a game.

1. A setting - They created the island, and it was good, very large and open with a diverse landscape

2. The Engine - Everything works well, even the physics, which Arma 2 completely failed at. Movements are fluid, you got way better animations, so there aren't any complaints....until

3. Weapons and Vehicles - This is one of the most crucial points to add variety to a game, and I am sad to say that BI failed miserably. They created virtually nothing for the game's release, for what reason I don't know, but it aggravates me to no end. You have all the things in place, the tools for people to make their own missions, but there is no variety, same guns, same ammo, and a couple of vehicles. Look at Arma 2, even without the DLC, there was TONS of content to work with, and the DLC just added onto that.

My advice? Keep up to date on the status of the game, and once the first DLC comes out, THEN buy it

Edit: While I think the DLC that's been released hasn't been the best, they improved the game quite a bit. The game is stable as all hell, the mod scene /definitely/ makes the game a million times better. Definitely worth the money these days, just wish it didn't take so long to get my opinion changed
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