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Posted: 28 Jan, 2016 @ 8:16pm

Early Access Review
If you like a zombie survival simulator, with amazing gameplay machanics and a story created by the player, this is a game for you.

However, as you can probably tell, the game is not completed yet and has a very long way to go.


*Well thought out game mechanics and gameplay.

*Massive open world to explore.

*Well done zombie AI.

*Freedom to do whatever you desire.

*Near Spot on Survival aspect.


*The zombies can become very predictable.

*In game activities can become redundant once you figure out how to handle almost every situation. (Even some the surprizes)

*Maps are so large that it can take hours to get to a new area, this gets old REALLY quickly.

*Ends up becoming a game that only brings back old players with the promise of new mini-features; only for them to get bored moments later and wait for the next update. (Minecraft)

More or less, this game lacks a complex "game changer" if you want to call it that. Once you figure out how to repel the zombies completely, the game becomes a chore to play.

Personally, I am waiting for the NPC Survivors to be brought back in. I feel that will make the game interesting for me again; assuming they are programed right.

Despite this though, it is a very good game for what it is. A survival game. Right now, it is probably the best you can find on steam. That is why I can recommend it.
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