Zachary Johnson
BRUH. how bout hoppin on that Smash doe! drop your FC in a chat for 3DS version mine is (4554-1375-2211) or add me on Nintendo Network (DeadlyShoc)(Obviously) every now and then I will stream Scribblenauts (make pokemon as well as fool around with creations) as well as stream smash bros for WiiU so tune in sometimes at show me some love :B Vote Blaziken for Smash 4
Currently Offline
DeadlyShoc 2 Feb, 2015 @ 8:41pm 
Like Scribblenauts Creations by DeadlyShoc? new or long time follower? then join DeadlyShoc's Shockingly Interactive Scribblenauts Community on Steam
follow me on twitch
DeadlyShoc 24 Nov, 2014 @ 7:09pm 
New additions to For the fans parts 3 and 1 Magmar, Hariyama, Salamence, and Camerupt
DeadlyShoc 17 Nov, 2014 @ 6:05pm STREAMING SCRIBBLENAUTD MAKING SOME MONS DAWG forgive me for choppiness :B
DeadlyShoc 13 Nov, 2014 @ 11:26pm 
Volcanion is now fully scripted