Deroplat | The Critter | He / They   United States
I don't know you. :fhog2_falling_leaves:
Washed up Soldier / Pyro main.
:KongMingLantern: My Decorated Veteran will never be for sale. :KongMingLantern:
Artwork Showcase
Eden | LVL 328 Leafeon | Grass/Ghost
Artwork Showcase
Me playing with my Beggars
266 8 11
Sorry if I've removed or ignored you. I am rather shy.

I have no alt accounts. If somebody is claiming to be me on a different account, it's a scammer.
I will never contact you over Discord or any other social platform in regards to trading. Anyone doing so is a scammer.

All artwork on my profile is drawn by me unless stated otherwise.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How did you get the Self-made Hydro.TF medal?
A: I helped run the first season of Hydro.TF, and was given the medal as compensation. (Lead Administration)

Q: Is (random item) for sale?
A: My Unusual Decorated Veteran, stranges and gifted items are not for sale. However, I am open to hearing offers on my other items.

Q: Are your art commissions open?
A: 99% of the time my commissions are closed. Please look at my bluesky account to see if I have opened them.

Favorite Guide
Created by - Guardy
429 ratings
An overview of various scam methods and ways to prevent them from happening to you.
Screenshot Showcase
Team Fortress 2
nonten 12 hours ago 
Dude your profile looks so cool now
maxximus 12 Mar @ 4:54pm 
Knife Tuah!
nonten 12 Mar @ 2:38pm 
dude your profile looks so cool now
nonten 11 Mar @ 3:22pm 
dude your profile looks so cool now
Yellow Michael Parenti 10 Mar @ 3:57pm 
Welcome to the DunkZone.
S + 9 Mar @ 11:05pm 
boiii what u say about sludge