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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,401.4 hrs on record (2,299.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 27 Nov, 2022 @ 4:56pm
Updated: 4 Aug, 2024 @ 11:48am

Watching the game you have put thousands of hours (and hundreds of bucks) into with so much passion dying out slowly but surely because of mismanagement must be one of the worst experience any "gamer" can endure in their lives.
As a part of this "interesting" community, I'm more than familiar with moments of "it's so over" and then a few months later
"we are so back", but unfortunately this time, this time the "it's so over" makes more sense than ever before.
Laying off near 25% of your company's staff in less than a year and cancelling multiple projects because of "budget limitations" right after your employees put so much effort into making one of the best possible expansions for your game and doing nothing but buying more exotic cars for your collection is nothing short of pathetic greed at its finest.

Pete Parsons, and everyone from the higher ups over at Bungie & Sony who have played a part in the company's miserable status quo should have the guts to take accountability and step down while they can, otherwise this game, or even worse this whole Bungie company we all love & hate so much will be nothing but some bitter-sweet memory before we even notice...
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