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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 132.7 hrs on record (102.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Jul, 2022 @ 10:56am
Updated: 17 Jul, 2022 @ 10:58am

Days Gone is a beautiful game, open world survival to be precise, that is telling a story of Deacon St. John. I will do my best to rate every aspect of the game;

The Story:
In my view after finishing the game twice, a lot of work has been put in the story itself that explains Deacon's journey, it is worth playing every minute even the side quests and story lines are fun to do as they level up your experience. The story is emotional, something that lots of SP games lack, you really WANT to know what happens next and next and next...you can tell developers really took their time to make a game with so many cool characters and the story line that just keep bombing you with surprises, and the way how the other part of the story/map just blends in, it's truly amazing. And to top if all off, I can say that there wasn't a single annoying character for me, not a single one. Maybe even the best story I ever played. I truly don't even mind not having a CO-OP, it would be cool and very exciting but like I said I don't mind not having it, it is worth playing solo. 10/10

The Combat:
So the combat is in my opinion maybe too slow, specifically I mean the little dash you make with default SPACE button, it is way too slow and short, I think this should definitely be longer because you WILL be surrounded a lots of times. The zombies part is okay, if they hit you, your character will be knocked back a little, as you should be. Zombies will also 'dodge' your bullets sometimes when they bum rush you, I think this really adds a intense side to the combat as you rarely expect it and when it happens you probably will get hit. The 'focus' skill that slows the time for you is the perfect tool too handle big Zombie hordes, when you max it out it maybe feels a little bit OP but it's there to help you. Final thought for the combat; it's really satisfying, killing zombies and humans, with guns or melee weapons is super fun to do as you even have a chance to bust some limbs with melee attacks. 9/10

The weapons:
Honestly I don't know what is there much to say here, the variety of weapons is decent, from sidearms to auto rifles and snipers/LMGs, there is a bunch. I like how the game in Survival mode limits the ammunition so you gotta use it wisely. I will say however, you do kinda feel OP when starting New Game + with all off the unlocks, I do not recommend playing New Game+ even in Survival II I felt too strong with end game weapons, maybe it's just me but I'll put it here. 10/10

The bike:
Your main transportation, Deacon's bike, I wanna say a few things. I actually expected a little bit more, the 'survival' part of you driving a bike in post - apocalypse is point on, you have to regularly refuel it, and even repair it in order to drive it. But in a open - world survival zombie game, where zombies can HEAR you from a mile away, I really expected a motorcycle horn, the big hordes that you can lure with horn would be amazing, and bike's customization is fine but adding a little bit more camouflages would spice the game even more. Also maybe a little bit disappointing, you can not add any weapons to the bike, you can only use your secondary. The driving physics are fine, you will not survive big drops, you will come off the bike if you crash it in high speed, overall pretty good. 9/10

The graphics, animations, cinematic's :
Ran this game with RTX3060, Ryzen 5 5600 and had absolute no problems, the game's vegetation is beautiful, at night just try to look at the sky you will be amazed :), facial details are not 100% like some other games but still characters look really realistic. The effects like explosions, fire and stuff like that are point on, no complaints. There are some bugs with melee attacks animations where It could look like you're finishing off a zombie, and your character will punch the air, not the zombie. Happened really rarely for me. The cinematic's in this game are amazing, they are not shot, they are not boring. I can only say one not positive thing, there is A LOT of dialogues in this game, I mean the mostly for everything and everywhere. 10/10

Few more 'cons':
No swimming, yea there's that. Most of the time you will not even need it, but there are a lot of lakes in this game. You have your bike for transportation. You not being able to swim is tied to the story.

Vendors, I think the vendors in the early game, offer you maybe too little. I just think you should be able to get some 'better' weapons sooner.

Even with some things that could have been added or done better, I still think this is the best survival zombie game a money can buy. I dose not offer CO OP but the story is definitely worth playing.
I am rooting for a sequel.
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