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Posted: 17 Jan @ 5:19pm
Updated: 17 Jan @ 7:13pm

Early Access Review
The beginning of a new chapter that has begun strong however with some flaws. I have a lot of experience in racing and driving knowledge and i feel like EVO is gonna be a great racing simulator once it's been fine tuned. With relaxing driving to unwind after a couple intense racing sessions, in open world with friends or even public lobbies. Would be a awesome addition to a racing game. Will keep this review updated and change over the updates and what I find as i play

The suggestions:

1) Ranking and ladders

2) Competitive modes and Types of driving categorized for servers

3) Each vehicle model/type to have a foldout list of it's upgraded versions and styles

4) I beg you... Easier local hosting to invite friends without having to port forward and do 3 hours of googling and research. This would help SO much and make playing with friends more accessible

5) For the future. Allow the viewing of DLC content on multiplayer servers (For vehicles) Where you can only drive what you own. You can see the DLC vehicle but you cannot drive it. This can help people watch what cars they want the most from the packs this can avoid separation of people and limited accessibility to servers which i have found very unfair and annoying while trying to play with friends.

6) Spotters and allowing other people to spot you as well as viewing a in-progress game as a spectator

The positives:

1) The feel of the game feels very well managed but the graphics and atmosphere could use a couple hours in the oven.

2) Thank you very much for being nice and allowing us to buy the game early and help shape the game for the better. And on top of that for allowing free access to the future DLC. Sorta like a investment haha

3) The detail of the tracks and cars are superb, first time seeing trees hope to see further additions especially at night for the skybox

4) Very excited to have nord track soon and the rest of the cars. Hope to see more types of cars and LMP, GT3. And other divisions of racing in the future. Happy to see more street cars getting some light aswell

The flaws:

1) The clutch has no biting point and stalls too easily. It's like the engine has no torque at standpoint

2) Low speed handling is very effy and stiff, almost like the tires are over pressure. but feels okayish once you get going

3) Everything looks way too shiney and looks like it's been cling wrapped though I've been playing at lower graphical settings but even at high it can look sort of cheap but that may be the UI and menus looking like a ps2 racing game. It's giving too much forza horizon. We want a as realistic as possible racing game :)

4) My 1660 ti may be old but at lowest settings i get around 46 fps. It feels like the optimization is poor but that's to be expected of a very early access game

5) The UI should be changed and polished for sure.

6) The throttle feels very dampened.

7) ABS and brakes feel very arcadey. Handling feels way too forgiving overall

8) Force feedback feels sort of numb. I've been adjusting it for awhile but it's like there's nothing much happening

9) Sense of speed and positioning on the track are very lacking. It feels odd and having to check the speedo if I'm actually doing 90 km/h or not

Will keep up to date. Thank you and will love watching the game update as i race and improve. If there's any other way to help out I would gladly assist
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