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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 159.7 hrs on record (93.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Jan, 2016 @ 12:14pm
Updated: 26 Aug, 2022 @ 12:26pm

Early Access Review
So, after having almost 100 hours into the game i feel like i have to write a review.
First of all, this game is not for everyone! Its unforgiving and really hard to get into. Most of the players who give this a bad review probably didnt bother spending a bit of time into the game, which is why its often considered as a ''drunk simulator'' If you manage to get over the lack of explanation in the beginning and get comfortable with the combat mechanics you will notice, that this game offers way more then you would have thought. The Physic engine makes the combat and overall feeling of the game just great. Every fight feels unique which is quite addicting. It is really satisfying to crush the head of an opponent with a heavy weapon and see them falling to the ground. The variety of Armors, Clothings and weapons is pretty huge even though they havent implemented everything yet. All these Items have their own weight and feeling to them as well, which makes the combat even better. All of that in combination with the amazing music and atmosphere makes this game unique and innovative. I was never more excited for new updates in any other game. But still their are cons to the game, which have been written in most of the bad reviews. First of all the developers. Allthough they do a great job, they only contain of a handfull of people, which is why it takes some time till new updates come out. I personally dont have a problem with that, but their are enough people that give this game a bad review just because of this reason. Also as i said in the beginning it is really hard to get into Exanima without getting frustrated. Before you can actually have fun with the game you should practice in the Arena, to get comfortable with the physic based combat system. Otherwise you will die over and over again without making any progress. This can be really annoying considering that their are barely checkpoints and you just have to live with that. On the other side it is the charm of the game to know that if you die you loose progress. Meaning, that you think twice before encountering an opponent and rather look for different paths to progress.
So after all, i reccomend everyone to give this game a try. Their is no other game out their like Exanima.
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