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3.8 hrs last two weeks / 1,475.3 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 May, 2018 @ 1:39pm
Updated: 16 Apr, 2020 @ 6:51pm

warframe's a game that consists of two things: bewilderment and disappointment.

it's sad that these two can even combine, but alas, they do. a new player will often be pretty amazed at how the game in its aesthetic state is free, but once they've passed that phase of being "new" and in the system of "grinding" and waiting for the next big thing (i.e. an operation [scarlet spear!] or a huge update [railjack!]) it slowly becomes this sad trail almost.

though this is a more "recent" trend for the game, scarlet spear is a shining example of such. it's a repetitive piece of content that people will do because of the concept of limited availability, and when people are using the equipment provided for them, said equipment is nerfed for being too good almost, it takes what little fun there is, and curbstomps it.


warframe's a great game, but it often feels like you're walking up a 80% slope of telling yourself "I need to do this because it won't be available in (x)days."
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