2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 164.3 hrs on record (44.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Nov, 2018 @ 7:37pm
Updated: 28 Jun, 2019 @ 7:29pm

No matter what genre I dabble into, Platformers (especially 3D Platformers) will forever be my bread and butter.
And A Hat In Time is the most excellent addition to my experiences with the genre.

If the wonderfully crafted environments and silky smooth gameplay don't win you over, then the overwhelming and thoughtful charm of the characters will, featuring a diverse cast of characters from the mafia, to peck necks to even the little hat child you play as, each bringing life to the colorful worlds you explore.

What makes this journey all the more enjoyable is the musical score, it's upbeat and fills you with a child-like wonder and is overall pure pleasure to the ears.

And let's not forget about the hats! Each one provides very practical abilities in your adventure (because situational abilities are a sign of wasted potential) and the badges further supplement your platforming capabilities.

With Steam Workshop compatibility, the adventure will not end, ranging from custom badges, custom hats, dyes and outfits, to full-on level mods to experience!
And with the DLC that is Seal The Deal, you can now experience A Hat In Time with a friend with Co-Op!

Bottom line is, this game is the platformer we've been waiting for, so do yourself a favor, and pick up this hecking cutie of a game.

Ever wanted to go on an arctic cruise with tons of incompetent, but still adorable seals? Then the Arctic Cruise is for you! Shame the chapter ends too soon, but the real meat of this DLC is the Death Wish mode, only true completionists will enjoy this mode, as the challenges can be very intense.

What's this? Now there's a yakuza of cats? Must be Nyakuza Metro! With a brand new, free roaming chapter, and 10 new time pieces, it's much better than The Arctic Cruise. Collect stickers, play with other people with the new online party mode, and beat people up with the new baseball bat weapon, since, as Nyakuza member, you're always breakin' the law!
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