3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 37.0 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Sep, 2021 @ 4:03pm
Updated: 7 Sep, 2021 @ 4:06pm
Product received for free

As a retired Bus driver I have to say I really love this game. I loved 18 but 21 is so much more immersive, it's a living breathing world that follows a real 24 hour time, I love the dynamic weather. Great representation of the busses provided.

Amazing looking visuals and ambience sounds.

I own this game on both PC and Xbox Series X, it looks great on both and plays great on both. On the PC I use the Thrustmaster T80 steering wheel and on the Xbox Series X the Xbox Controller.

On console I miss 1 thing, 1 Button to recenter the camera, this was also an issue on 18 and I'm a little surprised it didnt get added but I had feedback from one of the devs that he noted it so lets hope it gets added soon.

A couple wishes for the future.

1. Some older classic bussus, it would add just that bit of extra flavour where you can buy an old bus to save on money and where you can Roleplay a bit that your new busses all are busy so you bring out the old one to stand in just like can happen in real life.

2. More Skins / Wraps that are more natural amd that you could see in day to day life.

3. And a little extra, give us a home to reside in, would be fun to travel home, take a break, eat, shower and sleep before heading back out again, pair this with our own personal car to drive to work with and it's a hit.

4. I would love also for the clothing to be a more fleshed out, as in please seperate the clothing items, it makes no sense that shoe color changes with other clothing items, make them all seperate adjustable in color it would greatly improve the looks of the characters.

Now the big question is this game worth your money, I would say yes for sure, it's easy to get into, it's as hard as you want it to be and fully adjustable. Even if you want a fun and relaxing game this is also a huge hit. So definitely get the game if you like bus games.

Btw. What a huge improvement with the AI WOW, it makes all the difference and I sure hope you guys leave the AI alone, they finally work as you would want them to work.

Great job team from Still Alive, looking forward to future DLC's and Updates that hopefully add / improve upon the points given.
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Marion.B 24 Nov, 2024 @ 9:22pm 
Your review is lit! 🔥 It's like reading a mini novel, so much detail and passion. You're a pro at this, seriously!