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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.3 hrs on record
Posted: 19 May, 2013 @ 6:06am

"The metro is a living, breathing thing with a heartbeat, a soul and a mind." - Khan mumbles, as you venture deeper into the bowels of Moskow. Those who played Metro 2033 will remember the great deal of mysticism going on in the subterranian tunnels of the nuclear wasteland. It fits the setting very well and adds a whole new layer of depressing grimness to the experience.
You are Artyom, the protagonist from the first game (and the books), now a fully fletched Ranger, on a mission to check out a rumour about a surviving Dark One. This is a direct sequel to the events of Metro 2033, so playing that before Last Light is strongly recommended.
Metro Last Light is a prime example of a First Person Shooter "doing it right". The gameplay is pleasantly smooth, with all the little flaws from the last game ironed out through a new, streamlined user interface, with radial menus for your equipment and only the most necessary elements on your screen (none, most of the time). Immersion is a big factor for Last Light, which is why you are tasked with scavenging for ammo, keeping your flashlight charged, swapping out your gasmask's filters and finding new ones. Even wiping smudge off your mask is done by you. All these little chores can make gameplay frantic and fast-paced, the limited FOV adds to the claustrophobic feeling.
Exploring parts of the overworld is more common this time around, which makes for a welcome change of scenery every now and then. Enemies come in a variety of types and shapes, from different mutated animals to humans, bandits or opposing factions. Fighting humans is where the fun begins, as you can very well finish the game without killing any people. The levels are designed to offer a sneaky approach as well as a gunslinger one. On harder difficulties (especially the "Ranger-Mode"), sneaking is often your best friend, be it to conserve ammo or to just not mess with a superior force.
Although there are quite a few cheap "Start the generator and wait for the elevator/raft/car to come while fending off waves of mutants"-setpieces were jammed into some levels, the game overall is a lot of fun. Do not be disheartened by the fact that the levels are fairly linear - Half Life 2 did the same and it worked. The focus here is on storytelling. Get this game if you like the setting, or just want to play through a decent FPS again. Also, get the first one, it's on sale very often and dirt cheap anyway.
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