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2.6 hrs last two weeks / 776.4 hrs on record (58.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Apr, 2023 @ 3:06pm

Honestly i'm on the fence about reviewing the game. On one hand I enjoy it, on another I do not. QP is unplayable due to the fact it pits you against people with 2500+ hours, 2.0 kdas WHILE lowering your mmr if you die in it.This has also been an issue for years, and even in the discord it's known that high elo players drop their own mmrs by dying in QP. Now I know you're going to say it's just QP though that's half the games playable modes, and the main game mode is absolutely horrid if you decide to play solo. Also many times playing bounty with my group collecting the clues is almost pointless as the majority of times someone spawns on top of the boss, and immediately killing it. There is also is an oversaturation of sounds if you try to rush to these points to contest the boss (Sometimes there's only 1 so you dont have much of a choice besides hiding to pk people). The games clearly designed with slow game play in mind so as you rush towards a spot or to extract you get bombarded by sometimes 5+ different sound effects going off at the same time.

Positive notes: the environment/aesthetic is very pleasing, and when you are not being bombarded by 72 dogs barking it's a very enjoyable/spooky game. The gun play feels very crisp, though the learning curve on what each gun actually does is pretty heavy.
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Jon Mess 19 Apr, 2023 @ 7:09am 
Let your MMR drop. If anything it will make your experience better. There is absolutely no reward to having a higher MMR other than fighting more patient or more skilled players. If you are going to fight players with 2,500 hours it might as well be players that miss. Unless you are just intrinsically rewarded by your MMR going up, there is no reason to stress about it decreasing.

Also, other people finding boss first is part of the game. Most of the time that will happen because you are only one team out of 4 in trios or 1 out of 6 in duos. There will be times you find the boss and banish and times you have to attack the team that banished. That's just part of the game. It's not even always a benefit to find boss first. It's a roll of the dice.
Shrek Uchiha 16 Apr, 2023 @ 4:30pm 
Maybe with conduit? though even at 4 stars, by the time we collect the clues absolutely blasting through everything someones already spawned/wiped the boss. It's not just once but probably 20+ games. Yeah it usually does end up being an FFA when we move in. I just want more incentive besides people RNGIng into the boss. It's very easy to setup/defend a position with tripwires etc. I know a decent amount about the game though you have to watch videos because there's just too many things that go unexplained, and I do enjoy it. I wish there was a nice middle thumb. I mainly QP to practice until my friends get on, and it makes me scream fighting people with 2k hours that drop my mmr.
MEMENTO ♡ MARION 16 Apr, 2023 @ 3:47pm 
While there are valid criticisms to be made on quickplay, it has to be said that Hunt is a team game, despite the additions of solo and quickplay. If you're looking for a solo experience, then Hunt, evidently, is not for you.

Judging by your wording, it seems like even with a team this game just isn't for you—at least not with further effort in learning how to play it. Collecting clues isn't pointless—especially with Conduit. An early or immediate banishing isn't always advantageous to the team doing the banishing, as this immediately alerts everyone where they are. If every team is alive and in the area, this effectively becomes a free-for-all in which you can easily become the last team standing if you play your cards right. If you don't take things slowly, you will die and be punished. That's just the kind of game this is. Sorry you couldn't find it enjoyable, as I think, in spite of the learning curves, it's a great game, and I clicked with it almost immediately.