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3.3 hrs last two weeks / 205.5 hrs on record (138.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Apr, 2022 @ 9:26am
Updated: 28 Oct, 2024 @ 11:32am

Early Access Review
Where to begin... 2024 has been the worst year for Phasmophobia. Basically zero meaningful updates, and an increasing lack in communication from devs. I was hoping it was just due to the console release, but honestly their most recent update just makes me feel like they don't care about us Steam users. Patch notes are no longer available on Steam, also the update that came today gave us... a VERY grindy "community" driven objective that also locks behind it some game content (new weather). So, what the plan when we inevitably DON'T complete phase 3? Just scrap the entire thing you worked on? Give me a break. Either the feature was never intended to be released, or we're getting it anyway.

Time and time again games have released "community" goals that unlock some type of limited game feature, and I have NEVER seen it received well. Stop forcing players to play your game using FOMO. Give us ACTUAL content!

Also, an early access game releasing on console before they even finish the game is a HUGE red flag. I've been around the block, and I've been here since Early Access first started, and every single game (no exception) that has tried to port to console before releasing has either failed entirely, or dropped support for their console version (Rust and Space Engineers are the biggest culprits I can think of)

Giving this game a negative review is painful, as the game itself is quite fun - but I can't knowingly and willingly support a dev that doesn't give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about their fanbase on Steam (the platform which gave them the popularity they have today). Console was a mistake. Segregated patch notes were a mistake. Deciding to go radio silent to their steam community is the biggest mistake, and the most unforgivable. I get game dev is hard, but Kinetic have made millions - maybe they should hire some actual community managers as opposed to whatever the christ the actual devs are doing.

Original review below, written at 44.5 hrs game time on 22/4/22
I started playing this game in February, and I've so far not been disappointed in the volume or quality of the updates.

The game itself can be quite scary, although personally I feel like the fear wanes quite a bit once you understand the mechanics behind the game - but that's not to say that it doesn't still scare me!

The game is much more fun with friends, but it is still quite fun solo as well. I can't comment on the VR side of things, as I don't own a VR headset, but it does seem like it's fun in VR after the overhaul from what I've seen from content creators. But again, I have no personal experience on that.
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