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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 855.6 hrs on record (72.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 24 Mar, 2021 @ 3:54pm

I've played this game long before it came to Steam, so please keep in mind my current hours aren't accurate to how many hours I've ACTUALLY played.

Anyways, I'd like to say I think this game is hands down the best MMORPG, I've played many other ones before and absolutely none of them have me coming back and enjoying myself as Oldschool Runescape has. There are 23 different skills in this game with different uses behind them, Slayer being my favorite out of them all. There are also 147 quests as of typing this, something about the quests that I love are the charming writing behind them or sometimes even the rewards. Unlike most MMORPG quest systems where it simply boils down to "Kill 10 of this thing" or "Gather 5 of this" then you get a slightly better piece of gear or some potions, maybe generic XP. A good couple of these quests here not only reward you with XP or brand new gear you can wear, but even CONTENT, yeah I know, a crazy concept most of these cookie cutter MMORPG's don't do. Of course not all of the quests are like that, some only simply give XP, but I've never found quests in other games as enjoyable as this one.

I think that's just about it! The game is a tad niche so it may not be your style and I get how some people may not enjoy how everyone looks to be made of 10 polygons, but I think that gives the game it's own unique look where you definitely know that it's Oldschool Runescape instead of some other game.
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